OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I got 9 Rouen ducklings and eight guineas about three weeks ago. All are doing well and growing like weeds. I hope everyone is well. 🌻
I hope that you got yours at a great price like I was able to. Our TSC sold mine to me for a buck a duck which was the cheapest I had ever seen them let them go. I even talked the manager that sees me in there all the time to only buy 2 since he knew I already had a big flock. I hope you got females if that is what you wanted. I think I might have one of each but still not sure. The one's bill is starting to yellow and the other one's is still black. It sounded different than just peeping when I picked it up. How are your Swans Mark? I hope all is well. It was great to see you on here again.
Good morning sir! Hope you have a great weekend as well.
Good moring @Knobby and @Luv Ducks I fell asleep and just woke up. :)
I hope that you got yours at a great price like I was able to. Our TSC sold mine to me for a buck a duck which was the cheapest I had ever seen them let them go. I even talked the manager that sees me in there all the time to only buy 2 since he knew I already had a big flock. I hope you got females if that is what you wanted. I think I might have one of each but still not sure. The one's bill is starting to yellow and the other one's is still black. It sounded different than just peeping when I picked it up. How are your Swans Mark? I hope all is well. It was great to see you on here again.
I think they were around 8$ ea. and the guineas were 10$ at TSC
Good moring @Knobby and @Luv Ducks I fell asleep and just woke up. :)

I think they were around 8$ ea. and the guineas were 10$ at TSC
Good morning Mark, it was great to hear from you. I only got mine so cheap because they were clearing them out from their spring sale and they were getting so big. They even had chicks for 50 cents the following day just to get rid of them and then they had turkeys for a buck too. I oftentimes wonder if hatcheries send them more drakes than hens and sex them. A friend of ours bought 8 last year and ended up with 6 drakes and 2 hens but I know others have lucked out with a lot of hens so it is probably just the luck of the draw, lol.
Yes, I still have my 2 older ones that are about 7 years old now and no longer lay, just pets, then I got these 2 new ones from TSC about 3 weeks ago that are probably close to 4 or 5 weeks old now. These are the ones that I think I might have a drake and a Hen but not sure yet.
Good luck! with my luck I most likely have all drakes. :fl

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