oh oh I heard a doodle do this am


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2017
Hi everyone
I am a a very proud owner of two D'Uccles, a Millie Fleur and a Porcelian. I also have a Polish Blue.
My girls are three months old and thriving, so am I !
I live in the city and can legally have one rooster though that wasn't my plan until yesterday !
1.What are the pros, cons of keeping a rooster in the flock besides 1 less egg daily ?
2.They have a nice safe area to roam but I would like to free range them on the weekends when I am home. I am concerned integrating them with my cats. Any suggestions from all you chick folk ?
3.I don't know a lot about my girls and boy so would love to hear from those with same or experience with same.
I am an eager humble learner :)
Welcome aboard! :frow
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Hi and welcome to BYC :welcome Do you plan on breeding/hatching? if not, you really don't need the roo. A good roo will protect the flock and make sure the girls eat first. Jerk roos will challenge you, steal food from the girls and just be a pain. They are kind of like humans, no tellin until they are grown.:oops:
There's nothing like watching a hen raise her young. Best part of raising chickens IMO. With a rooster it all just sort of happens.

I had similar concerns with my two cats. But it has all worked out very well. One just ignores them and the other likes to interact and play with them. She loves to go down to the coop and supervise while I'm working there. They were very close to 3 chicks this morning, and didn't show any interest.
You are so lucky you are allowed a rooster. D'uccle roos are generally pretty sweet from what I've read. Hopefully yours will be too.

I did have an Orpington pullet who crowed like a rooster a few times before she started laying so it could be that too. If you post some photos of your birds someone should be able to pick out a cockerel in the line-up.
Hi and welcome. I have a d'uccle and some polish crosses. All I know is that they are stunningly pretty and really sweet little birds. That's it, but it's really all I need to know, they are so lovable and haven't had any issues that have needed advice. (touch wood)

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