The boys are great! They make babies and good dinners!
I'll say!
I am so SICK and TIRED of having chickens dead when i go to the coop.:hit :hit:hit:hit:hit :hit:hit:hit:hit. One emoji for each dead chicken from this FARKING illness. I just can't take it any more. :th33% left alive of my SS. No roo.
:hugs :hugs

OK.... all I read through the 50 pages was PICS.... and since I am grand ruler of the Squatches, I'll go first:

View attachment 1248004

and for something completely different:
View attachment 1248013

I posted a pic of myself with a sleeping Milk Drinker night before last. I think I'm exempted from reposting :p
Fine, fine. :gig

You all are gorgeous! I thought this was the squatchers thread not the pretty people thread, but evidently they're one and the same.

#5 LOL
#8 a pet WHAT??
Tater. :D
#10 don't tease me with brownies or pay a price
Hey, you SAID you'd do anything :tongue
I'll late but....
No...we can not talk about hockey.
:smack Rule #11: Kiki is wrong about everything.
I do remember. Poor guy.

Patience and lots of training. It takes time for the hormones to work their way out of the system too.
I keep a squirt gun loaded lol. Mine now understand that when they see the squirt gun I am dead serious about the "leave it" command.
Mine all stop what they are doing when I pick it up and head for laying down spots. Even the puppy knows.
With mine its usually playing to rough in the house or messing with the cat.

Not so sure yours would respond to a small squirt gun.

How serious are the fights? Any particular trigger? A toy? Food? Treats?
The trigger is me!
The son doesn't want his dad to get anywhere near me it seems. The 2/3 were bad..gashes/blood..I thought they were dying...trying to kill each other bad. Both bad fights happened when it was time to go outside. The son HAS to be the only one near the door. God forbid the dad get too close to the door before the son gets outside. The 3rd one I didn't see start...I was walking towards the room with the door in it to let them out..they knew it was time and the fight started before I got in the room. The Mexican was feet away and broke it up. These are not little dogs...70 plus pounders. So now I am terrified every damn day when it comes to the time to have to either let them in or out. The son fussed at the dad just this morning when I let them out but I yelled and got in between them really quick before anything started..with my big shovel in my hand. Shovel is worthless but it makes ME not feel so scared.
I'll say!

:hugs :hugs

Fine, fine. :gig

You all are gorgeous! I thought this was the squatchers thread not the pretty people thread, but evidently they're one and the same.

Tater. :D

Hey, you SAID you'd do anything :tongue

:smack Rule #11: Kiki is wrong about everything.
Excuse me missy..Kiki has never been wrong.
I thought tater was a four letter word here.
TOTALLY agree with #11... kiki is ALWAYS wrong......

He’s doing well, but a bit clingy. I think he is going through a growth spurt or something.

That is Smuv’s nick name for the Milk Drinker. Making My Boobs Hurt since that is what happens when she sees his pics.

Can we explain this in a LITTLE more detail so I don't sound pervy? MMBH is Make My Bewbs Hurt BECAUSE, PIC was a Milk Drinker and, basically, once you nurse... when you see a little MD, your bewbs experience a *let down*.... kind of like a phantom filling of milk.... so, when I see the purdy lil MD, my bewbs get all into nursing mode..... they just ache a bit.

Her name is Sable.
Like I said I'm not that creative with names.

I did think about calling her Whiskey. She would be my little Whiskey girl then.

Her NAME is NOT Sable... she is Smuvvy's lil PIDDLES!!! :lau

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