Official Nesting Box Supervisor


Believe in magic 🧙‍♀️
May 19, 2020
NE South Dakota
One of my Golden Comets has recently appointed herself Official Nesting Box Supervisor. I've noticed when another hen gets up to decide where to lay she gets up there too and follows them around, sometimes pushing them out of the nest they want.

When I am there cleaning out the boxes and replacing the shavings she's right in there, clucking at me and checking out the boxes. Looking around and acting very upset when the box is empty with no shavings. And I'm like "Give me second, Too! I'm only one person here!" (Her name is Too).
So I put the new shavings in- and in she goes, to burrow around in pretty much every box.

Does anyone else have a bird like this? It's not that I think anything is wrong with her, I actually think it's funny. Even when she's completely in my way being an absolute nuisance. Probably just part of her personality, she's been goofy since she was 3 days old.
I had a neurotic nest supervisor terrorist. She was relentless and disrupted all the layers.
I finally had to get rid of her.
Oh my, yeah she's definitely not to that level. She just likes to know what's going on in the nests, I guess. It's probably a good thing she's not at the top of the pecking order, I've seen plenty of the hens tell her to "Get lost!" when she follows them in to the nests, lol.
That's good.
Is she laying?
She's a decent layer...though I will probably not bother with Golden Comets again. Her two 'sisters' are horribly broody. Last summer one of them went broody pretty much the entire summer and fall. I would break her and 2 weeks later she was back at it. So if they layed a dozen eggs between the 2 of them I would be surprised.
'Too' is a good layer, but not yet this year. The hens are gearing up right now even though we are still in winter here. So any day now...

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