Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP



eepy thing =w=
Sep 13, 2020
your walls ;3
Please read first,

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

wOaH another dragon roleplay??? Yes. Another dragon rp.

This specific dragon rp is based off of the series Wings of Fire, by Tui T Sutherland. It takes place in Pyrrhia, but modern day, where humans are of the same presitge they are in our world. This tends to cause a lot of tension between dragons and humans. You can roleplay as any of the dragon tribes, or as a human.
The tribes are:

SandWings: SandWings are a desert-dwelling tribe of Pyrrhia dragons whose scale pigmentation ranges from pale gold, light yellow, off-white, and pale brown. They can breathe fire much like some other Pyrrhrian dragon tribes.

MudWings: MudWings are burly, brown marsh dragons, that are extremely muscular. They can hold their breath for up to an hour, and breathe fire if they are warm enough.

SeaWings: SeaWings are green, blue or aquamarine sea dragons covered in glow in the dark markings for communication. They are excellent swimmers, with gills to breathe underwater, webbed talons and wide, paddle shaped tails.

RainWings: RainWings are colorful, flamboyant dragons with color shifting scales, like chameleons. They can spit an acidic venom through their fangs.

IceWings: IceWings are white or pale blue dragons with scales that reflect the sun like ice. They have dangerously serrated claws, and a long, whip thin spiked tail. They breathe a deadly frostbreath.

NightWings: NightWings are black dragons with silver scales scattered beneath their Wings. They breathe fire, and dragons born beneath full moons are gifted either mind reading or future sight abilities, and sometimes both. (In this world, NightWings are rare because they are coveted by humans for their abilities, as well as who wouldn't want a cool magic emo dragon. Many are trained by humans to hunt other dragons for sale and trade, basically poaching, so keep that in mind. I would love to see a hunter NightWing character-)

SkyWings: SkyWings are red or orange fire breathing mountain dragons with huge wings. They are excellent fighters and flyers, and tend to be bad tempered.

SilkWings: SilkWings are butterfly-like, and can come in any color but black. They are wingless until the age of six, after which they go through Metamorphosis and gain wings and silk. Some SilkWings are flamesilks, which means their silk is golden and burns like fire.

HiveWings: HiveWings have four dragonfly-like wings and can come in yellow, orange or red, but always with at least one black scale. They can have abilities ranging from venomous teeth to wrist, claw or tail stingers, a noxious gas, and other insect abilities, and some have no ability at all.

LeafWings: LeafWings are green or brown with long, curving leaf shaped wings. Some of them are born with the power to talk to and control plants, known as leafspeak.

(My fantribes, I will love you forever if you make a fantribe character-)

CloudWings: CloudWings are tall, feathered dragons whos feather color is usually based off of a real life bird. They can breath a cloudlike vapor for camouflage, and some are rumored to have unusual control over the weather.

SolarWings: SolarWings are tall, bipedal dragons lacking front talons, their wings functioning as front talons. Their gold or copper scales always give off some kind of heat, and the temperature corresponds with their emotions. They breathe fire, as well. Their wing joints can lock for long distance soaring.

LunarWings: LunarWings are ethereal silver dragons that are *rarely* seen. Some even doubt their existence. LunarWings can secrete a silver liquid that can be manipulated with their minds, such as into weapons. They have glowing tendril like appendages that get more apparent as the dragon ages.

RiverWings: RiverWings are large, fish-like dragons with armored- sturgeon-like scales. They live in solitude, and have no organized society. They have no rear legs and are very unwieldy on land, but dangerously quick in the water. Their scales can be the color of any real life fish species.

SnowWings: SnowWings are flightless, furred, wolflike dragons that live separate from the rest of dragon society. They live in packs that run through forests causing trouble. They have wings, but they can do no more but glide.

Keep in mind most humans have two opinions on the dragons: keep them away from me, and "make money off of them'. Theres a lucrative trade with dragons, involving fighting rings and poaching. So dragons usually tend to stay out of humans way, and when they cross paths the results can be disastrous.

Make a character and put it in one of these and let me approve of it. Hybrids are allowed.
Physical appearance:
Backstory: (Optional)

Human character creation template thingy

Physical Appearance:

Three characters are allowed per user.
Give a name to your dragon that relates to their tribe.

Thank you and have fun!

(Also, I will draw people's characters as thanks for joining my little world. Looking at you, @Bakbuk

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Blue Raptor
@Bella the Chicken Lover
@Lovely Lettie
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And I don’t have any drawing of SnowWings. All art belongs me :)
Please read first,

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.

wOaH another dragon roleplay??? Yes. Another dragon rp.

This specific dragon rp is based off of the series Wings of Fire, by Tui T Sutherland. It takes place in Pyrrhia, but modern day, where humans are of the same presitge they are in our world. This tends to cause a lot of tension between dragons and humans. You can roleplay as any of the dragon tribes, or as a human.
The tribes are:

SandWings: SandWings are a desert-dwelling tribe of Pyrrhia dragons whose scale pigmentation ranges from pale gold, light yellow, off-white, and pale brown. They can breathe fire much like some other Pyrrhrian dragon tribes.

MudWings: MudWings are burly, brown marsh dragons, that are extremely muscular. They can hold their breath for up to an hour, and breathe fire if they are warm enough.

SeaWings: SeaWings are green, blue or aquamarine sea dragons covered in glow in the dark markings for communication. They are excellent swimmers, with webbed talons and wide, paddle shaped tails.

RainWings: RainWings are colorful, flamboyant dragons with color shifting scales, like chameleons. They can spit an acidic venom through their fangs.

IceWings: IceWings are white or pale blue dragons with scales that reflect the sun like ice. They have dangerously serrated claws, and a long, whip thin spiked tail. They breathe a deadly frostbreath.

NightWings: NightWings are black dragons with silver scales scattered beneath their Wings. They breathe fire, and dragons born beneath full moons are gifted either mind reading or future sight abilities, and sometimes both. (In this world, NightWings are rare because they are coveted by humans for their abilities, as well as who wouldn't want a cool magic emo dragon. Many are trained by humans to hunt other dragons for sale and trade, basically poaching, so keep that in mind. I would love to see a hunter NightWing character-)

SkyWings: SkyWings are red or orange fire breathing mountain dragons with huge wings. They are excellent fighters and flyers, and tend to be bad tempered.

SilkWings: SilkWings are butterfly-like, and can come in any color but black. They are wingless until the age of six, after which they go through Metamorphosis and gain wings and silk. Some SilkWings are flamesilks, which means their silk is golden and burns like fire.

HiveWings: HiveWings have four dragonfly-like wings and can come in yellow, orange or red, but always with at least one black scale. They can have abilities ranging from venomous teeth to wrist, claw or tail stingers, a noxious gas, and other insect abilities, and some have no ability at all.

LeafWings: LeafWings are green or brown with long, curving leaf shaped wings. Some of them are born with the power to talk to and control plants, known as leafspeak.

(My fantribes, I will love you forever if you make a fantribe character-)

CloudWings: CloudWings are tall, feathered dragons whos feather color is usually based off of a real life bird. They can breath a cloudlike vapor for camouflage, and some are rumored to have unusual control over the weather.

SolarWings: SolarWings are tall, bipedal dragons lacking front talons, their wings functioning as front talons. Their gold or copper scales always give off some kind of heat, and the temperature corresponds with their emotions. They breathe fire, as well. Their wing joints can lock for long distance soaring.

LunarWings: LunarWings are ethereal silver dragons that are *rarely* seen. Some even doubt their existence. LunarWings can secrete a silver liquid that can be manipulated with their minds, such as into weapons. They have glowing tendril like appendages that get more apparent as the dragon ages.

RiverWings: RiverWings are large, fish-like dragons with armored- sturgeon-like scales. They live in solitude, and have no organized society. They have no rear legs and are very unwieldy on land, but dangerously quick in the water. Their scales can be the color of any real life fish species.

SnowWings: SnowWings are flightless, furred, wolflike dragons that live separate from the rest of dragon society. They live in packs that run through forests causing trouble. They have wings, but they can do no more but glide.

Keep in mind most humans have two opinions on the dragons: keep them away from me, and "make money off of them'. Theres a lucrative trade with dragons, involving fighting rings and poaching. So dragons usually tend to stay out of humans way, and when they cross paths the results can be disastrous.

Make a character and put it in one of these and let me approve of it. Hybrids are allowed.
Physical appearance:
Backstory: (Optional)

Human character creation template thingy

Physical Appearance:

Three characters are allowed per user.
Give a name to your dragon that relates to their tribe.

Thank you and have fun!

(Also, I will draw people's characters as thanks for joining my little world. Looking at you, @Bakbuk

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Blue Raptor
@Bella the Chicken Lover
@Lovely Lettie
Ok first off; your art style is so cool!! Second, I'm a friend of @Crestcrazy2 and I love dragons and the WOF series! I haven't read the last three books of the Lost Continent prophecy, but I love the rest of the series. I'd be really glad to join this roleplay if that's alright! Below is my application :) btw I'm not very familiar with all the fantribes, but I may end up being in one because they're so cool :)

I promise to uphold the pre-stated rules.

Name: Neoma
Gender: Female
Age: in human years, I'd say nineteen. So however you'd like to phrase that.... :)
Tribe: Lunarwing
Physical appearance: Smaller than the average Lunarwing, and wiry. Eyes are a deep periwinkle. The dots on the side of her neck are white and seem to glow slightly in the dark.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, but also extremely suspicious of most others at first until they can prove their true colors are as they claim. Quick to get annoyed, and likes to sometimes start either play fighting or really fighting when there's not enough going on. Loves to practice fighting in free time. Skilled with her warping (the term I thought could be used for the liquid that the Lunarwings meld with their minds). Very defensive of the dragons she's close to. Not a huge fan of taking orders from authority, but if she chooses to be loyal to someone, she would die for them. Can be very sneaky. Some of her more notable flaws; sometimes she can be too suspicious of someone or can get too irritated. Also tends to get in a silly mood and let her guard down too much, she doesn't have a huge in between. Can get rather moody or have traumatic flashbacks that cause her to shut down for a bit, either wanting to be alone or only with one other dragon of her choosing. She often goes into a bit of a zoned-out state, and can need to be snapped out of it. But don't let any of this fool you, she can be the most fun and loving dragon ever if she trusts someone!
Backstory: She was raised in a group with about five other Lunarwings. Her parents, two siblings, and a strange one that joined them when she was an egg. Her parents raised her with the old stories of the old dragons, and spoke tales of how the Lunarwings had been unfairly treated and had finally chosen to leave. Believing that story all her life has caused Neoma to have a bit of resentment for other dragons until they prove their loyalty. She's not totally sure if it's true, but it's the only truth she knows and the only reasoning she has for having been alone for so long. Her parents died when she was roughly half-age due to starvation and exhaustion, they had given most of their lives to feeding and protecting their young. Neoma's oldest sibling Milza attacked Neoma and her now-dead sibling Kyler, killing Kyler and almost killing Neoma before flying away with Darltrax, the stranger. Neoma doesn't know why she was left alive but she wants to find Milza and Darltrax and kill him, believing that Darltrax convinced her to do it.

There's my application! I may add another character later; I may add Milza for funsies. But atm, that's what I got! May I join? Also sorry about how long it is, I get carried away when I write :lol:
Ok first off; your art style is so cool!! Second, I'm a friend of @Crestcrazy2 and I love dragons and the WOF series! I haven't read the last three books of the Lost Continent prophecy, but I love the rest of the series. I'd be really glad to join this roleplay if that's alright! Below is my application :) btw I'm not very familiar with all the fantribes, but I may end up being in one because they're so cool :)

I promise to uphold the pre-stated rules.

Name: Neoma
Gender: Female
Age: in human years, I'd say nineteen. So however you'd like to phrase that.... :)
Tribe: Lunarwing
Physical appearance: Smaller than the average Lunarwing, and wiry. Eyes are a deep periwinkle. The dots on the side of her neck are white and seem to glow slightly in the dark.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, but also extremely suspicious of most others at first until they can prove their true colors are as they claim. Quick to get annoyed, and likes to sometimes start either play fighting or really fighting when there's not enough going on. Loves to practice fighting in free time. Skilled with her warping (the term I thought could be used for the liquid that the Lunarwings meld with their minds). Very defensive of the dragons she's close to. Not a huge fan of taking orders from authority, but if she chooses to be loyal to someone, she would die for them. Can be very sneaky. Some of her more notable flaws; sometimes she can be too suspicious of someone or can get too irritated. Also tends to get in a silly mood and let her guard down too much, she doesn't have a huge in between. Can get rather moody or have traumatic flashbacks that cause her to shut down for a bit, either wanting to be alone or only with one other dragon of her choosing. She often goes into a bit of a zoned-out state, and can need to be snapped out of it. But don't let any of this fool you, she can be the most fun and loving dragon ever if she trusts someone!
Backstory: She was raised in a group with about five other Lunarwings. Her parents, two siblings, and a strange one that joined them when she was an egg. Her parents raised her with the old stories of the old dragons, and spoke tales of how the Lunarwings had been unfairly treated and had finally chosen to leave. Believing that story all her life has caused Neoma to have a bit of resentment for other dragons until they prove their loyalty. She's not totally sure if it's true, but it's the only truth she knows and the only reasoning she has for having been alone for so long. Her parents died when she was roughly half-age due to starvation and exhaustion, they had given most of their lives to feeding and protecting their young. Neoma's oldest sibling Milza attacked Neoma and her now-dead sibling Kyler, killing Kyler and almost killing Neoma before flying away with Darltrax, the stranger. Neoma doesn't know why she was left alive but she wants to find Milza and Darltrax and kill him, believing that Darltrax convinced her to do it.

There's my application! I may add another character later; I may add Milza for funsies. But atm, that's what I got! May I join? Also sorry about how long it is, I get carried away when I write :lol:
I LOVE the term warping! Neoma is confirmed, welcome to the Feathers and Flames RP!

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