Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

FOrty-eight LoVely HouRs lAterr, mate-


They were in the desert, beneath a low, crimson sun, and Vel was dying. Possibility graced the heat-warped horizon ahead. It was all she could do to keep her dry eyes ahead, open, and alive.
The hybrid hung loose in her weak talons, a small, sun shriveled thing, scales cracked, rigid, and loose.
Vel took the brunt of the heat, shielding Alicanto beneath boiling scales. The orange blur below soared in her shadow.
The sun dropped below breezy dunes, and an emaciated trio soared into the shadow of Possibility.

Lueria sat up, squinting into the graying sky. Wind played with her dark hair, catching at the braids as she reached back and gripped the rotating generator, sliding a heeled boot against the welded metal base.
She swung the rifle around, grimicing when the fraid strap ran into her exposed neck.
The scope offered little assistance in identifying the approaching beasts, but she could tell easily they were of no threat.
The woman coughed on dust, then reached into the ragged coat tied round her waist, retrieving a thin com-link.
"Something's coming." She said into the device, leaning back to clear her throat and toss away the frizzing braids.
She sat in expectant silence, listening the generator's jerking pulse below.
"Identity," came Monzy's gruff voice.
"Yha," she murmered, running a palm cross her wet forehead. "There's two more coming in. Looks like a Sky or Rain," she kicked the rifle up on her knee again, viewing through the scope. The crosshairs centered on a gray, gaunty figure. "Nevermind. There's three. RainWing. Carrying someone, just a shadow from here." She tilted her knee. "And a Hive mutt. They're starving, hardly anything but bones."
"'At's clear, than, lass. Run it, I'll send someone your way."
Lueria dropped her hand, and jerked the rifle back. "Cool." She murmed, standing. The women strode across a dank row of stuttering generators with a quick foot, stopping at the building's edge to wait a moment in the dry breeze. A rusted, rebar ladder waited below, and she bent, hooking her calloused fingers over the thin, riveted steel.

(Dude I'm so tired. I've got to stop DOING THISS. It's not mountain tiiiimme aaahhhh 😭😭 the letters are blurbing togetherrrr fr tho. I'll work on it more later 🫡✌️)

Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river. The transports arrive at Possibility. Whitestar leaves Alyssia, Austin, and Apple at the first Rebellion checkpoint.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: Ali, Vel, and Ajax stop at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.
Night 9: Vel leaves for Possibility with Ajax, Alicanto, Ayra, and Cochineal.
Day 10: At Sunset, Eclipse and Sol discuss their plans with Tobias, and Ali, Vel, and Ajax arrive in Possibility.
(Ok so first of all why are they at Possibility, what is their goal, and second, who is Roe?)
The sun drifted below a dusty, smauged horizon, and the cooling air tempered her sizzling scales.
Vel landed on shuddering back limbs, clutching the ground with her free talons as she spilled Alicanto atop the sun-warmed, cracking blacktop. She coughed, a jarring, painful motion jerking the RainWing's entire body.
Vel's eyes flicked over the small, shriveled black hybrid, and she crossed her worn talons, sidestepping and turning her gaze.
The SkyWing sat a few yards back, leaning heavily on locked front legs as exhaustion manipulated the starving muscles throughout his lower half.

Her name echoed through the forgotten city, and Vel tilted her head up to the gray sky, panting.
A quiet moment passed, filled only with breathing, and the clinking struggle of balancing talons.
"Here, Vel." It was a woman's voice, her tone comforting and mirrored with thick exhaustion. Vel turned her head toward the blurred, tall figure, still wordless, still panting, rendered dumb by fatigue. "We are still here."
She nodded, a weakening motion.
"The others are here."
"They didn't leave," the dragon breathed through a trembling jaw.
Vel faltered, leaning forward as she limped toward the small, crusted hybrid.
The dark woman hesitated, a frown tipping her lips. "You do not have to bring that in, friend."
"He isn't dead."
The human turned slow on her gritty heel, voice quiet, but direct. "I know."
Vel slid a numb talon across the sand-dusted blacktop, gathering the limp, dry Alicanto against her scaled chest. She coughed again, limping forward on tight, breaking joints. Her wings hung loose and the tips dragged raw.

They didn't leave.
She hadn't been forgotten.
And she was too tired to think them fools.
Spured by emotion, the RainWing hobbled forward, holding gently the dying dragon at her side.
They were Roe's RainWings, the pride of it all uniquely satisfying.
And even without their human counterpart, the RainWings would yet carry the fire.
She was almost home.

(AH don't CHOKE on the CRINGE- seriously how else do I end it tho. I really did try to avoid it at all costs, but I must get on with my irl loiiifffeee SOB-

also, yeah, it's all chock full of adverb overload so *ahehe*


iM gOinG bAcK tO bEd-

Ajax was numb with exhaustion. Vaguely, he could see that he was on the blacktop, he could see the dragons beside him and the woman before him. But he was too tired to feel. He could see his own muscles spasming in his shaking legs, but he was so tired that this observation was more interesting than concerning for him. This is what happens when you are starving, he thought.
(Does ajax like or dislike Alicanto? I feel like I should at least acknowledge that he is dying) EDIT: The sight of Alicanto's suffering elicited a vague sympathy on Ajax's part. His emotions, his jealousies, all were forgotten with the thirst and exhaustion that beat him down. The most fierce and defiant act that he could manage was simply to remain upright even though the world was losing tangibilty. He had made the last flight, his lids were drooping, enough of the beauracracy, he just wanted to sleep. He just wanted water. Ajax's eyelids closed for far too long, scraping over scleras that were far too dry.
His tongue felt like paper, and there was a grit in his mouth and throat, as if he had taken a bite out of a dune thinking that sand was a good substitute for sandwiches.
He forced his eyes open again. They were painfully dry.
That was why his head was so fuzzy, why there was a dull ache in his skull over the past couple of days. Water. I need water.
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(Ok so first of all why are they at Possibility, what is their goal, and second, who is Roe?)

Ajax was numb with exhaustion. Vaguely, he could see that he was on the blacktop, he could see the dragons beside him and the woman before him. But he was too tired to feel. He could see his own muscles spasming in his shaking legs, but he was so tired that this observation was more interesting than concerning for him. This is what happens when you are starving, he thought.
(Does ajax like or dislike Alicanto? I feel like I should at least acknowledge that he is dying)
His tongue felt like paper, and there was a grit in his mouth and throat, as if he had taken a bite out of a dune thinking that sand was a good substitute for sandwiches.
I am so excited for this. It's not like watching a new Star Wars movie, where you wonder if they've slaughtered a decent character. I KNOW this will be SO good.

There was some spice between Ali and him... Mostly jealousy stuff cuz Ali is so coOl ig.

Yo, I'll get on all this stuff in a bit. Maybe tomorrow morning. I need to spend less time on BYC, good gracious. I have hour-long snippets to write, and an actual life, so expect the morning hours will begin becoming regular online timesszz.
(Ok so first of all why are they at Possibility, what is their goal, and second, who is Roe?)

Ajax was numb with exhaustion. Vaguely, he could see that he was on the blacktop, he could see the dragons beside him and the woman before him. But he was too tired to feel. He could see his own muscles spasming in his shaking legs, but he was so tired that this observation was more interesting than concerning for him. This is what happens when you are starving, he thought.
(Does ajax like or dislike Alicanto? I feel like I should at least acknowledge that he is dying)
His tongue felt like paper, and there was a grit in his mouth and throat, as if he had taken a bite out of a dune thinking that sand was a good substitute for sandwiches.
(He has a bit of a mutual recognition of Alicanto, and perhaps a sliver of sympathy for his current state, but they are not by any means friends.)
(Ok so first of all why are they at Possibility, what is their goal, and second, who is Roe?)
(When the Rebellion broke out, Possibility was their final destination, and the Rebellion made it there. Vel was taking Ali and Ajax to Possibility because she is part of the Rebellion and they needed help. I'll explain the rest later.)
(When the Rebellion broke out, Possibility was their final destination, and the Rebellion made it there. Vel was taking Ali and Ajax to Possibility because she is part of the Rebellion and they needed help. I'll explain the rest later.)
(Vel is one of Roe's Rainwing's. Roe was a friend of Tobias in the Scorpion Den, and she cared for a large group of Rainwings, which were all involved in the Rebellion breakout. Roe died during the breakout, but none of the Rainwing's knew yet, until Tobias's told them, which I'll cover in a later scene)
The sun drifted below a dusty, smauged horizon, and the cooling air tempered her sizzling scales.
Vel landed on shuddering back limbs, clutching the ground with her free talons as she spilled Alicanto atop the sun-warmed, cracking blacktop. She coughed, a jarring, painful motion jerking the RainWing's entire body.
Vel's eyes flicked over the small, shriveled black hybrid, and she crossed her worn talons, sidestepping and turning her gaze.
The SkyWing sat a few yards back, leaning heavily on locked front legs as exhaustion manipulated the starving muscles throughout his lower half.

Her name echoed through the forgotten city, and Vel tilted her head up to the gray sky, panting.
A quiet moment passed, filled only with breathing, and the clinking struggle of balancing talons.
"Here, Vel." It was a woman's voice, her tone comforting and mirrored with thick exhaustion. Vel turned her head toward the blurred, tall figure, still wordless, still panting, rendered dumb by fatigue. "We are still here."
She nodded, a weakening motion.
"The others are here."
"They didn't leave," the dragon breathed through a trembling jaw.
Vel faltered, leaning forward as she limped toward the small, crusted hybrid.
The dark woman hesitated, a frown tipping her lips. "You do not have to bring that in, friend."
"He isn't dead."
The human turned slow on her gritty heel, voice quiet, but direct. "I know."
Vel slid a numb talon across the sand-dusted blacktop, gathering the limp, dry Alicanto against her scaled chest. She coughed again, limping forward on tight, breaking joints. Her wings hung loose and the tips dragged raw.

They didn't leave.
She hadn't been forgotten.
And she was too tired to think them fools.
Spured by emotion, the RainWing hobbled forward, holding gently the dying dragon at her side.
They were Roe's RainWings, the pride of it all uniquely satisfying.
And even without their human counterpart, the RainWings would yet carry the fire.
She was almost home.

(AH don't CHOKE on the CRINGE- seriously how else do I end it tho. I really did try to avoid it at all costs, but I must get on with my irl loiiifffeee SOB-

also, yeah, it's all chock full of adverb overload so *ahehe*


iM gOinG bAcK tO bEd-
"I owe you and the Rebellion more than I could ever repay. It is the least I can do."
Eclipse gave a deep nod to the human before turning and trailing after Sol through the hallway, Shard bounding excitedly ahead.
Ajax was numb with exhaustion. Vaguely, he could see that he was on the blacktop, he could see the dragons beside him and the woman before him. But he was too tired to feel. He could see his own muscles spasming in his shaking legs, but he was so tired that this observation was more interesting than concerning for him. This is what happens when you are starving, he thought.
The sight of Alicanto's suffering elicited a vague sympathy on Ajax's part. His emotions, his jealousies, all were forgotten with the thirst and exhaustion that beat him down. The most fierce and defiant act that he could manage was simply to remain upright even though the world was losing tangibilty. He had made the last flight, his lids were drooping, enough of the beauracracy, he just wanted to sleep. He just wanted water. Ajax's eyelids closed for far too long, scraping over scleras that were far too dry.
His tongue felt like paper, and there was a grit in his mouth and throat, as if he had taken a bite out of a dune thinking that sand was a good substitute for sandwiches.
He forced his eyes open again. They were painfully dry.
That was why his head was so fuzzy, why there was a dull ache in his skull over the past couple of days. Water. I need water.
The orb of burning red had settled into the city-broken horizon, stifled by the desert smog of Possibility, trapping heat, but numbing the sun's rays.
Eclipse carefully unfurled her wings, jogging across the dark asphalt to allow herself an easier take-off, favoring her recovering wing shoulder. Shard's smaller, quicker wing beats alighted to the air beside her.
The comfort of gentle flight was unreal now, only a few days out of the Scorpion Den. Unbridled freedom, and the slow but progressive easing of the injury in her shoulder. The desert city had promised her brutally that she would never know flight again, a promise that had been all but crippling to her. She only had Tobias to thank for breaking that promise.
The Lunarwing kept close to the short buildings, carefully flaring her wings instead of fully driven flaps to maintain her air.
Eclipse glanced up, her attention drawn away from vague thoughts to the movement, stirring of wingbeats in the stifling city air.
Dragons approaching from the South, heavy evening light cast across pale and fiery scales.
Her eyes sharpened, Eclipse turned lazily away from the hanger, gaining height, watching the unsteady trio closely as she quickly closed the distance.
Scratch that- there were four dragons. Dangling in the arms of the pale one, another colorless form, slightly smaller, leaner. The fire-colored ones had four wings each, the redder of the two presenting a cautiously familiar hue.
"Eclipse slow down."
The Lunarwing jerked back suddenly, slowing as Shard panted up to her side again, tiny wings beating desperately.
"Where are we going?"
Eclipse glanced up again toward the approaching group, angling her wings again to descend as they disappeared behind the short buildings.
"I'm just going to check something out. Stay close."

The Rainwing's scales were a ghostly color, devoid of emotion and greyed with illness.
Eclipse landed awkwardly, swooping at an angle over the building to land among the other dragons, stumbling slightly as she unbalanced. Shard dropped down beside her and quickly slithered beneath a folded silver wing, dark eyes watching wide the strangers.
"Vel, you're here? You are alive? Wha-"
The Lunarwing froze, her eyes glancing from the red hybrid to land frozen on the silver, near-dead Cloudwing hanging in the Rainwing's trembling arm.
Oh, there were questions. Questions that refused to come, evaporating as quickly as they flooded in. All she could do in that instant was stare.

@_-Captain BRM-_
(Ok so first of all why are they at Possibility, what is their goal, and second, who is Roe?)

Ajax was numb with exhaustion. Vaguely, he could see that he was on the blacktop, he could see the dragons beside him and the woman before him. But he was too tired to feel. He could see his own muscles spasming in his shaking legs, but he was so tired that this observation was more interesting than concerning for him. This is what happens when you are starving, he thought.
(Does ajax like or dislike Alicanto? I feel like I should at least acknowledge that he is dying) EDIT: The sight of Alicanto's suffering elicited a vague sympathy on Ajax's part. His emotions, his jealousies, all were forgotten with the thirst and exhaustion that beat him down. The most fierce and defiant act that he could manage was simply to remain upright even though the world was losing tangibilty. He had made the last flight, his lids were drooping, enough of the beauracracy, he just wanted to sleep. He just wanted water. Ajax's eyelids closed for far too long, scraping over scleras that were far too dry.
His tongue felt like paper, and there was a grit in his mouth and throat, as if he had taken a bite out of a dune thinking that sand was a good substitute for sandwiches.
He forced his eyes open again. They were painfully dry.
That was why his head was so fuzzy, why there was a dull ache in his skull over the past couple of days. Water. I need water.
👏 👏
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