Odd 'incomplete' feathering on rooster


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
I have a young Ameraucana rooster and as he's getting older, he has grown more and more 'incomplete' feathers on his shoulders. He's black, but those feathers look blonde. Upon closer inspection, the vane part of the feather is not developed. The shaft is there, but the 'barbs' are bald. Kind of like a Christmas tree after it loses it's needles.

His sibling had the same issue, although to a much lesser extent.

Pictures are a few weeks old and not of the best quality. I may see if I can get one of the feathers for a close-up...

Is this a nutritional issue.. genetic? I received the eggs from a fellow BYC member.. I had hoped to breed or sell him, but if he carries an obvious genetic flaw, I don't want to do that.


Managed to get pictures.

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I think you're right. I search all over to find close ups of roosters and I only found one with similar feathers. Never had a rooster actually make it this long...

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