~Oblivion~ {A Fantasy RP}


Frost bite88

9 Years
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For years, a seething, everlasting battle has raged on a spacious island, a seeming paradise on earth. But mystic beings, all angellic, battle to maintain their territories, and powers. Long ago, all the angels lived in harmony, all different because of their varying powers. But quarrels arose. Anger grew, and the angels hat had lived in harmony before split, smashing the crystal hat gave them their powers, each group taking a shard. What formerly was an island of peace working against the angels of the Underworld, now have split and war against each other, forgetting the threat of the Daemons. The Oracles, Spirits, and Ripple have attacked the Scavengers, shattering their crystal, which is rebuilding. But the king of the ruthless Scavengers wants revenge.

Storyline 1: He looked down at the crystal, the shattered bits of the gem, that had held his powers. He spat at the ground angrily, the veins of his neck clearly showing along with his angers. Fury consumed him, and he enjoyed it. Letting the thirst for revenge sizzle on his tongue, tempting him until he actually would savor it. He looked around, saw the dead, the dying. He smiled. A grin that was sincere, in all the bloodshed, fire, and death around him. He chuckled, before turning back to the crystal, seeing it slowly glow once again, rebuilding itself slowly. Slowly returning his powers. But it would take weeks for that. He laughed once again. He could see his revenge, he could reach out and grab at it. He could see the eyes of his enemies as he buried his sword into them, their gaping mouths too late to plea for mercy. He was a Scavenger, and his honor meant more than anything. He wasthe king. With a silent growl, e beat his chest, the hour was here, the plans must be made. Revenge, bloodshed, he saw it all. All of it. The Dust must be summoned.

Storyline 2:The wind blew against his cloak, his hair flowing behind him like a wave from the Bay. He swiftly jogged throughout the forest, following his wounded prey. His bow in his hands, his muscles tensed, ready to inject the lethal arrow into his already weak enemy. His cloak hood fell over his head, as if on cue. He was going to see another angel crumple to the floor. He swiftly leaped up, his wings keeping him high above his target. His eyes squinted as he unfurled a shot which struck right in the temple of the dark, who stopped in his tracks immediately. He floated solemnly to the ground, his wings moving the leaves the body had fallen into. With a simple nod, the angel acknowledged another kill in his extensive list, and holstered his bow. Where another Dust would've converted the angel into on of their own, he saw no purpose in that. There was nothing there for him, no point at all. There was occasionally times where he had contemplated it, but that was a long while back. He now submitted to the simple truth: he was the hunter, and they, the hunted.

~The Angels~


The Oracles live high up on a mountain behind the forest where the Spirits live. Towards its peak, in the clouds, lays a cave lit by crystals, where the Oracles' crystal lays. The Oracles normally sleep in the cave, which is guarded at night.

The Oracles wear brilliant armor, usually bronze, silver, or gold, and are perceived as the most powerful angel. Their touch can heal (themselves included) , and they can even resurrect allies. The Oracles are led by a King and Queen, and are the most populated of the angel tribes. There are blacksmiths, hunters, etc. Unlike the other tribes there is a lot of structure, and discipline within it.

The Ripple:

The Ripple are water fairing creatures that live in lakes, rivers, and the bay. The land they do claim for their selves are mostly damp marsh land and not too pleasant to walk on for the other groups. The Ripple are very nomadic and will often take to traveling the rivers or even fly around the continent for adventure. The Ripple who do stay in the kingdom's reach often have jobs or hobbies so they stay close to where their queen is.

The Ripple are often dressed in sea plants of loose cloths that cover just enough, while not big on cover they do like to show off with shiny things like fish scales, pearls, and even traded goods. The Ripple have pale white skin and spiraling stripe patterns that come in shades of blue and occasionally light greens and purples, they also have fins on their arms and legs and have webbed hands and feet. Their wings are actually two back fins that extend into wings, they are the same color as their stripes and other fins. For the main group of The Ripple, they will often travel between the two big coral Ripple castles every few months just for fun. The Ripple wield nets, tridents, shell weapons, and anything they might have got from trading at SeaPoint. Their powers include water control, glowing stripes, flight, calming touch and sadly a weakness is that they can't be out of water for more then five days.


Spirits are beings of mystery and they live in thick dense forests. The region is nearly impossible to navigate for those who aren't Spirits because of all the plant life. Spirits stay in tribes mostly in the middle of the region where it's the most densely grown. Spirits work together to hunt and protect each other and their crystal is located in the biggest tribe at the center of the region.

Spirits are dressed in furs and cloths that are decorated in feathers and plants and the occasional paints. Spirits have dark skin and spots that range from freckle size to soccer ball size and the color of the spots range from gold to almost black and for special occasions they will wear paint. Their wings are usually tucked tightly to their backs and covered with fur because they come in all types of bright bird colors and that is not good for camouflage out in the forests. Spirits live is groups in huts that range to size in the trees so they don't make much contact with the ground. Spirits are equipped with spears, poisoned throwing knifes, and big painted and carved wooden shields. Their powers include controlling plants and being able to talk to animals.

The Dust:

The Dust are on the evil side of things, and live to the west, in a desolate plains area. There are extremely few trees, no water unless it rains, and tall grass throughout. The Dust are scarcely populated;they branch out across the entire region, so no two Dust are seen together unless they are mates or friends. The center of the plains holds a small camp, where the Dust assemble when they are called fro a meeting, and also where their crystal is, in the core of a tree.

The Dust are clothed either in armor stolen from other factions, or simple cloth, which is either a shade of brown or an olive green, which matches the feathers on their wings (so if a Dust has wings that are beige, his/her cloth will be beige). The Dust normally wield bows and arrows, swords, or scythes. The powers of the Dust include infecting the benevolent angels and turning them to Dust as well if and only if they are dead and they can turn invisible for ten seconds or so, blending into their surroundings.


Scavengers are war like rocky terrain dwellers. The land they own is long and while most are plans, Scavengers mostly stay to the rocky part. Scavengers are ruthless and are known as strong warriors, miners, and blacksmiths. They don't fear battle and are willingly to fight anyone.

Scavengers dress in heavy armor that covers pretty much their whole bodies, the better the armor the more respect one gets. Scavengers are bulky and usually have tanned skin and their hands and feet look like rocks or iron have grouped onto them but it's just markings, Scavengers also have horns, either straight goat, curly ram, and curled bull are what they are in. Their wings are massive and can be used to help them balance on steeper slopes and they are usually the color of birds of prey like hawks and falcons. Scavengers can be found in to types of places, a city with a stronghold or a small villages used to house troops when needed, they will often kick out or even kill innocent farmers in the small villages because if they can't fight they are weak and if you're weak you die. Scavengers are equipped with basically every weapon under the sun but they mostly use swords, maces, and axes. Their powers include rock/metal control and fire control, they do how ever have a weak spot, if a horn is cut off they become dreadfully sick until it grows back but if it can't grow back from being cut to short they will die.


Daemons are demonic angels who live in the Underworld, an ever-changing hellscape of fire and rock. These former Oracles were doomed to the Underworld, for being corrupt and falling to temptations of evil. They desperately want to overtake one of the other factions' areas, even the other evil ones, just so they can leave the Underworld. They can exit and enter on days where there are full moons, otherwise, they are bound to their fiery home.

The Daemons all have either blood-red or jet-black feathered wings, and wear dark steel armor. They almost always wield swords, but daggers are sometimes an option. The Daemons have no powers in the overworld, as their crystal is left behind, but in the Underworld they can see creatures with blood through walls and blind people temporarily with a stare.

~The World~

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~Light Decorum: A huge city built high in the clouds, the Oracles have turned the highest mountain peak into a glorious home by turning the rock into decorated pillars and a huge castle made from the strong mountain peak, it glitters in the sun as this city is built with enough gold and silver to rival that of the Scavengers stronghold. While royals live in the great castle, the homes around it's walls are filled with all kinds of Oracles no matter their rank or job, it's extremely peaceful here.
~The Cistern: This city was named after the near by lake which is their main source of water as well as Light Decorum's. This city is huge and underground, it's beautifully lit by bioluminescence mosses and shimmering jewels that shine by small fires. The entrance to this large colorful spread out city is actually the nearby lake which has a tunnel some where near the center that was built by The Ripple back centuries ago in a peaceful deal. You'll find mostly miners, fishers, and blacksmiths here.
~Orion's Overlook: A town close to the beautiful coastal cliffs of the continent and built in a small woods clearing near a river, this town is full of peaceful hunters and farmers that will occasionally hold hunting contests with the Lemur Tribe. The buildings here are made of bronze, rock, and wood so it's not as brilliant as the other Oracle cities. It has an air of silence and peace.

The Ripple:

~Lake Castle: One of the main castles the queen will switch between. It's large and made of silver, jade, and quartz and since Ripple Lake is so clear other groups can see it shimmer under the waves.
~Bay Castle: One of the main castles the queen will switch between. It's actually the larger and more used of the two castles and it's safer because the castle can't be seen because it's hidden deep in the dark bay but it's make of mostly coral.
~SeaPoint: A large town built by The Ripple to be a peaceful place for trade among the other groups, all groups can trade here but if peace or theft happens here, there will be no mercy from The Ripple.


~Tribe of Jaguar: The biggest Tribe of the Spirits, here has the largest tree houses and huts and in the center is the Spirit Chief's home where he rules and lives with his family, the middle of the house was made around the tree with crystal of the Spirits inside. This tribe keeps peace with the Oracles and are the best at hunting.
~Tribe of Bird: The second largest tribe, while they are built like the Jaguar section, they are a bit smaller and the Bird Chief lives and rules this section of the tribe with his family. This tribe is more reliant on the rivers by them and are know to fly more because of the plains near them. This tribe keeps peace with The Ripple.
~Tribe of Lemur: The smallest of the tribes and built smaller and more spread out too, the Lemur Chief leads here. This section of the tribe is the best place to gather fruit.

The Dust:

~Hidden Refuge: The Dust are extremely solitary so they only have one place of gathering. It's been placed perfectly in the center of three some what nearby rivers. It's marked by one lone tree and boulder on all of the massive plains, it doesn't look like much so other groups completely bypass it. A group of The Dust can move the boulder and side down a tunnel to get to the dug out cavern that's held together by the trees suprising strong and big roots which holds the crystal of The Dust. The cavern is huge and can fit many and there are stories told about it. Some say that a huge monster burrowed out the cavern and the abandoned tunnels that spike from it, this story is mostly used to spook young Dust though. The other story is that the cavern is what remains of the fallen Dust empire from hundreds of years ago and the story often changes from Dust to Dust as no one really believes or knows if that's true either.


~Stronghold of Steel: The largest city of the Scavengers is found behind the great titanium walls. The big homes here are made of gold, silver, and other precious metals and are decorated with even more precious jewels. In the center of the great city lays the massive steel stronghold where the king and close family reside, the throne room holds the shining golden throne where the crystal of Scavengers can be found. This stronghold is almost unattainable from other sides but once in a blue moon Oracles and their allies can get through.
~Deadeye City: This is the second largest city of the Scavengers and it's named after the nearby lake. This city has three tall pointed cloud touching buildings of shining bronze that make a triangle around the large fighting colosseum. Some smaller buildings gathering around the colosseum. Scavengers often come together in this city for weapons and other needs, the higher up Scavengers live on the three bronze towers, the more respected and powerful of a warrior you are.
~Sharp Horn Village: A small village where the lowest of ranks live, warriors do live here but poverty keeps the Scavengers here out of Deadeye City and far from the stronghold. Mostly providers can be found here, like farmers and cloth makers.
~Bayview: The saddest off villages, most who live here are banished from everywhere else and this place is mostly used for barracks in times of war and if the disgraced are usually killed or kept in the underground prison.
Daemon Watch: This place is just one large wall of iron with barracks inside them, no one lives here and it's watched over and cleaned by prisoners of Bayview, here is where the Scavengers are known to fight and fend off Daemons every full moon mostly for entertainment.


~Smoldering Spire: The place Daemons can enter this world every full moon. It's a very tall woven pitch black spiral tower with a huge sharp twisted obsidian spire on top, the Spire looks like glittering blood thanks to embedded rudies in the twisting rock. The Spire is found on a lone dead barren waste land of ash that was once home to a very active volcano.


Oracles King: (HoodedHuntress)
Oracles Queen:
The Ripple Queen: Madeline Marèe (Frost bite88)
The Ripple King:

Spirit/Jaguar Chief: (Frost bite88)
Bird Chief:
Lemur Chief:

The Dust has no leader, in times of war on is temporary elected.

Scavengers King: Darius Coronatus (Frost bite88)
Daemons Queen: (HoodedHuntress)

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(Role created and ran by HoodedHuntress and Frost bite88)
Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Dryden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description or picture: He is tall and muscular, with black hair and black eyes that turn red when he is angry. His feathers are jet-black as well as his armor, earning him the nickname "Nightmare"
Personality: He is very serious and intimidating, and loves being feared.
Tribe: Daemons
Residence: Smoldering Spire
Occupation: He is a warrior
Partner?: None
Username: @RacehorsesRock
Other: n/a

Name: Dryden
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description or picture: He is tall and muscular, with black hair and black eyes that turn red when he is angry. His feathers are jet-black as well as his armor, earning him the nickname "Nightmare"
Personality: He is very serious and intimidating, and loves being feared.
Tribe: Daemons
Residence: Smoldering Spire
Occupation: He is a warrior
Partner?: None
Username: @RacehorsesRock
Other: n/a

Accepted!!! Welcome to Oblivion :p
~Form to Join~

Name: Darius Coronatus
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Description or picture: A bulky and muscular man with tanned heavily scarred skin. He has long braided deep chocolate brown hair with gold highlights and a braided beard to match, his eyes are a blazing bright orange red. His wings are the largest in the kingdom because on his back are massive gold and bronze colored crowned eagle wings. He proudly wears the armor of Scavenger Kings, which is thick iron with lots of gold and red gems to decorate it. He has large curly light brown ram horns that are sharply edged and embedded with with gold and fire opals. His hand and feet markings are the royal color of gold.
Personality: Loud and demanding, he is a prideful and feared King as he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants, he is very bloodthirsty and loves battle.
Group: Scavengers
Residence: As King he lives in the Strongholdof Steel
Occupation: King of the Scavengers
Weapon?: A steel and gold longsword and a large double sided battle axe made of steel and gold as well.
Partner?: Taken
Username: Frost bite88
Other: All kings and male heirs have crowned eagle wings and share the same last name, they have largest wingspan (fun fact the family name, Coronatus is the scientific name for the crowned eagle)
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Name: Misty
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description or picture: A Tall girl with long golden blonde hair gray blue eyes with gold flecks in them, her wings are black and silver despite being a Ripple, her stripes are blue-green and she wears a single necklace of pearls along with a single ruby earring that Grant made for her.(no one other then her and Grant know that though)
Personality: Brash, Fiery, Fast, Stealthy, Manipulative, Easily angered, She hides her true self which is Calm, Cool, Sweet, Kind, and Protective, she only shows this side of herself to Grant.
Tribe: Ripple
Residence: An isolated house on the SeaPoint
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Ripple King and Queen
Partner?: Lover is Grant but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04
Other: None
Weapon: A blue-green long sword and daggers

Name: Grant
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description or picture: A tall boy with short shaggy pitch black hair, blood red eyes, his wings are pitch black and blood red.
Personality: Cold, Calm, Bitter, Harsh, Quiet, Ruthless, Hides his true self which is Kind, Loving, Protective, Funny, he only shows this side to Misty.
Tribe: Daemons.
Residence: Under the volcano where the Smoldering Spire is.
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Daemon queen.
Partner?: Lover is Misty but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04.
Other: None
Weapon: A blood red broad sword and daggers.

(I hope it's ok that I made them to be in love even though ones a Daemon and Ripple. >->)
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Name: Misty
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description or picture: A Tall girl with long golden blonde hair gray blue eyes with gold flecks in them, her wings are black and silver despite being a Ripple, her stripes are blue-green and she wears a single necklace of pearls along with a single ruby earring that Grant made for her.(no one other then her and Grant know that though)
Personality: Brash, Fiery, Fast, Stealthy, Manipulative, Easily angered, She hides her true self which is Calm, Cool, Sweet, Kind, and Protective, she only shows this side of herself to Grant.
Tribe: Ripple
Residence: An isolated house on the SeaPoint
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Ripple King and Queen
Partner?: Lover is Grant but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04
Other: None
Weapon: A blue-green long sword and daggers

Name: Grant
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description or picture: A tall boy with short shaggy pitch black hair, blood red eyes, his wings are pitch black and blood red.
Personality: Cold, Calm, Bitter, Harsh, Quiet, Ruthless, Hides his true self which is Kind, Loving, Protective, Funny, he only shows this side to Misty.
Tribe: Daemons.
Residence: Under the volcano where the Smoldering Spire is.
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Daemon queen.
Partner?: Lover is Misty but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04.
Other: None
Weapon: A blood red broad sword and daggers.

(I hope it's ok that I made them to be in love even though ones a Daemon and Ripple. >->)

(Grant would have to stay in the overworld with no powers and have to stay away from other Daemons or really anyone because Daemons are pretty well hated and the others won't like him staying in the overworld. Also could you change Misty's fins into maybe a silvery instead???)
(Grant would have to stay in the overworld with no powers and have to stay away from other Daemons or really anyone because Daemons are pretty well hated and the others won't like him staying in the overworld. Also could you change Misty's fins into maybe a silvery instead???)

(Hmmmm.... How about he lives in the underworld with the other Daemons but in isolation and every lets say.... Month he goes and visits Misty? Yes, I can make her fins silvery blue if that's ok.)
(Hmmmm.... How about he lives in the underworld with the other Daemons but in isolation and every lets say.... Month he goes and visits Misty? Yes, I can make her fins silvery blue if that's ok.)

(Hmm that might be a little complicated for them but sure that should work! And yes silvery blue would be great, it's still technically a blue so it would be vaild also her stripes would be the same color, unless her wings/fins are silvery blue and blue-green then the stripes can be both)
(Hmm that might be a little complicated for them but sure that should work! And yes silvery blue would be great, it's still technically a blue so it would be vaild also her stripes would be the same color, unless her wings/fins are silvery blue and blue-green then the stripes can be both)
(yeah Ill edit it now :p)
Name: Misty
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description or picture: A Tall girl with long golden blonde hair gray blue eyes with gold flecks in them, her wings are silvery blue-green, her stripes are silvery blue-green also and she wears a single necklace of pearls along with a single ruby earring that Grant made for her.(no one other then her and Grant know that though)
Personality: Brash, Fiery, Fast, Stealthy, Manipulative, Easily angered, She hides her true self which is Calm, Cool, Sweet, Kind, and Protective, she only shows this side of herself to Grant.
Tribe: Ripple
Residence: An isolated house on the SeaPoint
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Ripple King and Queen
Partner?: Lover is Grant but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04
Other: None
Weapon: A blue-green long sword and daggers

Name: Grant
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description or picture: A tall boy with short shaggy pitch black hair, blood red eyes, his wings are pitch black and blood red.
Personality: Cold, Calm, Bitter, Harsh, Quiet, Ruthless, Hides his true self which is Kind, Loving, Protective, Funny, he only shows this side to Misty.
Tribe: Daemons.
Residence: Underworld
Occupation: Secret assassin for the Daemon queen.
Partner?: Lover is Misty but they aren't married.
Username: MysticChickens04.
Other: None
Weapon: A blood red broad sword and daggers
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