Nurture right 360 temp issues


Apr 7, 2021
On day 7 of a very very special clutch of eggs.
The NR360 has been going okay - temp bounces a little bit but typically stays steady at 99.7.
Today it’s either 100 or 99.1. I can’t get it to stay anywhere in between.
Doesn’t help that you can only adjust the temp the incubator is set at by .5 degrees 🙄.
Any help please?

Set a 100.0
Eggs are in the “outer ring” area - too large to fit in the auto turner.
Hand turning
Usual range is 99.1-99.7
Thermometer used has been tested and is correct.
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hmm, you could try nestling the base in a towel and or covering it in various degrees of how much .. i do that on my bator to dial it in alittle better ... with big swings in ambient temp, it can be challenging to keep it real steady, so usually its a compromise ..
On day 7 of a very very special clutch of eggs.
The NR360 has been going okay - temp bounces a little bit but typically stays steady at 99.7.
Today it’s either 100 or 99.1. I can’t get it to stay anywhere in between.
Doesn’t help that you can only adjust the temp the incubator is set at by .5 degrees 🙄.
Any help please?

Set a 100.0
Eggs are in the “outer ring” area - too large to fit in the auto turner.
Hand turning
Usual range is 99.1-99.7
Thermometer used has been tested and is correct.
my temps will fluctuate in my NR360 since the tray spins around there are normally hot and cold spots. So the range is fine you just want it to average out to around the 99.5 . There are times mine will go up to around 100.5 in one spot and 98 in another (I have a govee so it shows on my phone the temp throughout the whole time) then others it seems to hold a bit more steady. But my average temp is around 99.3 - 99.5 and I haven't had any issues with hatching.

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