Not the normal expensive goat lesson...


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
App. Mtn's
While milking my new ND goat this evening, she proceeded to reach over and pluck my gold earring out of my ear and chomp on it a few times. I now have one gold earring and a gold nugget. Guess she is trying to give the 'goose that laid the golden egg' a run for her money. The things that fall under the "live and learn" catagory. Never in a million years would I have thought that I needed to take out my earrings to milk a goat! Gonna have to put this piece of advice in my book that I write someday...right after "don't hike farther down into the Grand Canyon than the mules go".
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I was at the Alpaca Farm where I had four Alpaca's boarding, and her emu kept trying to jerk my earring out of my ear. She said he actually ate one of hers one day . . . a real diamond. . .aren't animals a hoot????
...two earrings per ear - one was the set of gold hoops from a dear friend, the other small diamond studs from DH... could've been worse! I'd be
if it wasn't so ridiculous!
Well, gee, thanks for learning this lesson for me. I'll make sure I don't wear earrings to the barn for milking.


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