Not sure if this would go here, but seemed behavioral? What toys/items will help keep my chickens active?


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
My chickens will have to be in their coop/run most of the time, as we are in an area with lots of predators and we don't have a fenced yard. I want my chickens to be able to move around/have stuff to do, but I'm not sure what I could use. I'm planning on putting in sand for dustbathing, and a little swing for them. I wasn't sure if an old cat toy (ball with a bell in it) would work at all? I was also planning on the occasional 'piñata' of food on a string for some fun but didn't want to make those regular. Any ideas on what to do?
Welcome to BYC. I keep my birds penned up all the time due to predators.
You could put together some roosts in your pen so they can perch and preen themselves.
You have the right idea about hanging something in the pen. Use string to hang a head of cabbage somewhere in the pen, just make sure that it's hung just a little above head level to make them "work" for it. It will keep them occupied most of the day. Then the next time, hang a head of lettuce, just a little higher above the heads because it's easier for them to tear apart than cabbage.
Put a cardboard box in the pen on its side and toss a handful of scratch inside it. They'll be wary of the box because they're not used to it, but the temptation of the scratch is too much for them as they are very cautious and inquisitive at the same time. Bottom line, a couple of gluttons will eventually get brave enough to go inside the box and eat the scratch, it's fun to watch lol.
I'm personally not a fan of using food as entertainment. Things like a dust bath, run roosts, piles of dried leaves or clumps of weeds, or just "stuff" to climb up on, go around, go under, will give chickens a variety of things to do. Even just rearranging the stuff in their run makes them want to explore it all again.
You can probably use hanging toys, like a bunch of shredded paper! Yeah, it's meant to be destroyed, but if you use bright colored papers, it'll be interesting and they can chew on it for a while. You can also perhaps use some loofah-type material?
Hope this works :)
You can probably use hanging toys, like a bunch of shredded paper! Yeah, it's meant to be destroyed, but if you use bright colored papers, it'll be interesting and they can chew on it for a while. You can also perhaps use some loofah-type material?
Hope this works :)
I wouldn't want my birds chewing/eating paper or loofa :sick
You can probably use hanging toys, like a bunch of shredded paper! Yeah, it's meant to be destroyed, but if you use bright colored papers, it'll be interesting and they can chew on it for a while. You can also perhaps use some loofah-type material?
Hope this works :)
Would they eat the paper? or just chew on it? It seems like a good idea but I"m worried that they'd actually eat the paper
What I like to do is have roost at different heights with little feeders placed at end of roost poles. Then place small amount of odd food items like Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS), scratch grains, clover greens, and my favorite live meal worms. The birds will periodically fly up to check those locations for eats.

Pens below are for single hens where feeders are placed all the way at the top. In order for hens to see more of the world, they must fly about 5 feet up to roost pole. Larger pens better than shown, but these made for use as breeding pens. My home pens have things like protein tubs stocked with some hay hay and soil so bird can work up plant materials and dust bath in something where they can come in and out of view of other chickens.

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