Not chickens, but is there a leash law in Southampton County, VA?

la dee da

15 Years
Dec 18, 2008
I'm trying to figure out if my county has leash laws. I've heard most people say Southampton does not have any, but a few say we do. I once found a leash law for our area, but I've no idea if it was a fluke or not. I tried searching "Southampton county leash law" and "Southampton county dog laws" but nothing useful came up and I don't know how to find the official southampton laws. We don't own a dog, but I'd like to know if I can do anything about neighboring dogs when they come onto my property... before they start chasing my chickens. I mean, if there aren't any leash laws, is there any protection for people who don't have a fence and don't want the neighbors dogs on their property?
Hunting dogs are a different matter, and are tolarable, as I understand they can't be leashed while hunting.

This website says we do:
This one says we don't:

West's Annotated Code of Virginia. Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food. Subtitle V. Domestic Animals. Chapter 65. Comprehensive Animal Care. Article 6. Authority of Local Governing Bodies. § 3.2-6539. Ordinance requiring dogs to be kept on leash

Statute Details
Printable Version
Citation: VA ST § 3.2-6539

Citation: Va. Code Ann. § 3.2-6539

Last Checked by Web Center Staff: 01/2012

Summary: This Virginia statute provides that the governing body of any city may adopt regulations or ordinances requiring that dogs to be kept on a leash or otherwise restrained and may request the court to order a referendum as to whether any such ordinance so adopted shall become effective in the city. The results of the referendum shall not be binding upon the governing body of any such city but may be used in ascertaining the sense of the voters.

Statute in Full:
The governing body of any locality may adopt ordinances requiring that dogs within any such locality be kept on a leash or otherwise restrained and may, by resolution directed to the circuit court, request the court to order a referendum as to whether any such ordinance so adopted shall become effective. Such referendum shall be held and conducted, and the results thereof ascertained and certified in accordance with § 24.2-684. The court shall require the governing body to give appropriate notice of the time, place and subject matter of such referendum.

The results of the referendum shall not be binding upon the governing body of the locality but may be used in ascertaining the sense of the voters.

Acts 2008, c. 860, eff. Oct. 1, 2008.


Acts 1984, c. 492, § 29-213.65; Acts 1987, c. 488; § 3.1-796.95.


I have this too: Use Permit.pdf

And this: (warring it's "that group")

And I called them ( ) and was told to call here: 757*653*3011 to find out.
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Thank you Fire. I e-mailed the Southampton County website for the answer. If that doesn't work I'll go ahead and call them.

This I don't understand...Does it mean that the cities within Southampton are able to make their own leash laws, but Southampton itself doesn't have any?

Thanks again!

I think you need to look at state statutes as to what you can do about dogs roaming onto your property. Even if there is not a leash law, per se, you probably have rights regarding any damage they do on your property.

The two links you listed in your original post refer to two entirely different Southhamptons. One is a county in Virginia, the other is a town in New York. is the code for Southhampton, Virginia. Chapter 3 has the information you are looking for.
Yeah, I am happy about that, and from what it looks like we're allowed to shoot dogs for chasing the birds too. Thanks for all your help everyone! It's nice to know once and for all the answer to my "leash law" delema.

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