Not a pet bird but still wanted to show off this fella I found!


May 14, 2023
I really am becoming a bird sanctuary here, huh? Anyway, this little fella was released pretty quickly after I looked it over after my nephew found it and came to tell me where it was.
It's not hurt or nothin' and I found the nest. It can indeed fly a distance, so it's not a hopeless little thing. But it truly was a beautiful moment when I got to release it and watch it fly. Not sure what kind of breed it is, though. Feel free to tell me!

The species looks to be some type of finch but hard to tell till it gets adult plumage. The problem, as I see it, is that handling a bird that seems in need creates issues. In the great majority of cases, that fledgling's parent/s are nearby and have been feeding it till it gains strength. Handling the young bird may cause the adults to abandon it.
Most song birds are quite altricial. That means they must get incubation and careful feeding from the parents from hatch to independence.
Precocial birds like ducklings, chicks, baby quail but especially Megapodes, don't need that level of care.
Think of parrots as an altricial species and ducks as a precocial species.
The species looks to be some type of finch but hard to tell till it gets adult plumage. The problem, as I see it, is that handling a bird that seems in need creates issues. In the great majority of cases, that fledgling's parent/s are nearby and have been feeding it till it gains strength. Handling the young bird may cause the adults to abandon it.
Most song birds are quite altricial. That means they must get incubation and careful feeding from the parents from hatch to independence.
Precocial birds like ducklings, chicks, baby quail but especially Megapodes, don't need that level of care.
Think of parrots as an altricial species and ducks as a precocial species.
Thank you. It seemed to be semi-feathered when I let it go. But that's why I used gloves to avoid a problem. The mom I found looked different and much bigger than a finch, so I let it fly off to wherever it needed to go. Seemed capable enough from what I witnessed. I mostly rehab domestic birds so this was a VERY new experience for me but I'm just happy it wasn't hurt and was able to return to the wild, where it belongs.
I really am becoming a bird sanctuary here, huh? Anyway, this little fella was released pretty quickly after I looked it over after my nephew found it and came to tell me where it was.
It's not hurt or nothin' and I found the nest. It can indeed fly a distance, so it's not a hopeless little thing. But it truly was a beautiful moment when I got to release it and watch it fly. Not sure what kind of breed it is, though. Feel free to tell me!

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That looks like a Mockingbird chick to me, we had a nest of them right by the house. If it can fly it is a fledgeling meaning it is just starting to fly. If there are no potential predators around, you should let it go. 💚

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