Non sequitur haikus

Hey did you feel that?
Does Missouri have earthquakes?
Yes. Why, yes we do.

The New Madrid Fault.
Google it and you will see -
The Heartland rocks, too!
Fine how do you do
These pictures only this week
Magnitude 1 plus

That New Madrid Fault
Goes right under hospital
It’s not far from here

Hey did you feel that?
Does Missouri have earthquakes?
Yes. Why, yes we do.

The New Madrid Fault.
Google it and you will see -
The Heartland rocks, too!
So how did it feel?
Have you been through one before?
A 4 is quite stout!
So how did it feel?
Have you been through one before?
A 4 is quite stout!
Is it thundering?
Truck rolling around the house?
Suddenly, bed jumps!

Sleeping cat jumps up;
Frowning, looks all around her!
Nervous dog paces.

"Earthquake?" asks DH.
Shrugging, Guess I reckon so.
Ears pop, slight headache.
Way too much darkness!
I could not live there, for sure;
Go stark, raving mad!
It’s two days a year
Technically speaking of course;
But, there’s more to say

counting the hours
I believe the “shortest day”
2 or 3 hours?

yet, conversely true
The longest summer day is
20-ish hours

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