Non Flying Turkey does it exists?


🥇Ukraine 🥇
5 Years
Nov 5, 2018
Tolland County Connecticut, USA
Which breed Turkey does not fly or has less of a tendency to fly over a fence?
I had Royal Palms that were always in the neighbors yard and I don’t want that again.
Purpose would be good homestead bird.
Meat, eggs, poults.
Which breed Turkey does not fly or has less of a tendency to fly over a fence?
I had Royal Palms that were always in the neighbors yard and I don’t want that again.
Purpose would be good homestead bird.
Meat, eggs, poults.
There is only one breed of domestic turkey. It is the breed Turkey.

Royal Palms are probably the best flying variety of turkey.

If you want a heritage variety, they can all fly well. The heavier varieties such as Bronze, Bourbon Red, Slates, Narragansett, etc., once they are mature, the toms will rarely fly.

With Bourbon Reds, Slates and even some Royal Palms, a one time wing clipping was all it took to stop most of their flying. By the time their wing feathers grew back, most of them had forgotten that they could fly.

The type of fence that you have can have make a huge difference in your turkeys crossing the fence. If there is a top rail or bar, the turkeys will view it as a desirable perch. Once they land on this perch, they will invariably get down on the wrong side of the fence.

I use a 6' - 2"x4" welded wire fence as my perimeter fence. It is very rare for any of my turkeys to go over the fence. Even a turkey with a clipped wing can easily jump 6', but without a prospective perch on top of the fence, they don't attempt it.

You can see the vast assortment of heritage turkey varieties at Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys.
I don't have turkeys but have taken care of my neighbors. Every evening when I went to make sure everyone was tucked in I would put the turkeys up. Their fence is 8' tall chain link. Every morning when I went to let the goats out the turkeys would already be out.
I don't have turkeys but have taken care of my neighbors. Every evening when I went to make sure everyone was tucked in I would put the turkeys up. Their fence is 8' tall chain link. Every morning when I went to let the goats out the turkeys would already be out.
Chain link fences typically have a top pipe as support for the fence. Turkeys find that pipe a desirable perch. It wouldn't stop them if it was 10" tall.
How about the midget whites?
You mean the fake midget whites? They may or may not exist depending on who you talk to. While they are supposed to have a broad breast, they can fly.. At least one person that I know of that got "Midget Whites" found that the ones he purchased did not meet the SOP requirements.

@Flashpoint supposedly has Midget Whites.
Elk are you delivering me the bad news of no Turkeys for me 🤔
Nope. I have no problem keeping my turkeys home. Once you have grown out the first group and spent the time and energy training them to stay where you want them, it gets easier because the mature turkeys will teach the young ones where they are and are not allowed to be.

Having a proper perimeter fence that does not have a top rail or bar helps immensely. The guaranteed method is to have a very large run that is covered.

Even my guineas have been trained to stay in their own pen. They do have lapses in the spring during breeding season but they are easily herded back to their pen.

Choose any variety other than Royal Palms who really do seem to be more flighty than all of the other varieties.

You can go the BB route which are the cheapest and easiest source and grow out a new batch every year. This won't get you eggs but will provide good insect control once they are a couple of months old if you free range them.

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