No crow collar

How is the NO Crow collar working for you? I have one on my Andalusian Rooster but I don't seem to have it adjusted yet.
At first it just quieted him a bit, but as he has matured it has gradually worked better to where now there is only a small squeak/gurgle instead of a crow. He is very healthy and happy and otherwise seems unphased. He is also not picked on by the ladies for his collar (we did opt for the grey to help it blend though)
At the beginning we were checking daily. We started not very tight and slowly adjusted until it was tight enough. Now I visually "inspect" him daily when I'm out in the coop/run with them all. I don't think there's a universal answer for sizing as each rooster is going to be different. Basically, you want it to be as tight as possible without discomforting him. It goes down farther than what you might think.. you want it at the base of the neck, under the feathers. It was easiest for us to do a two person method. I held him in my lap facing away from me while my husband fit the band. Attempting to put it on while standing did not allow for his neck to stretch, he would just kind of hunch it into his shoulders and the band would be too high. Hope this helps!!
Thank you! That does help, because I was wondering how far down it needed to go. I'd love to see pictures.
I’m in the city for school, I have about two years left then we plan to move to the country. I would prefer not using craigslist because I’ve heard that he would either be used for meat or as bait. Either option is a no go for me. He was supposed to be a hen like the other five but mistakes happen.
Thank you for the input though! Every bit of information helps!
If you go the crow collar way, it can be very helpful.
1st time initially make the collar loose enough to put two fingers inside it while around his neck. Be sure to feed and provide water to see how he does,
2nd check in about an hour and watch how comfortable he has become. If all is well, slightly tighten the collar. Watch vigilantly and listen to their crow. Continue observing while they eat and drink watching for any choking. If the volume of his crows are more muffled, you don’t need to tighten the collar more. Mark the collar each time until you find the sweet place of tight enough to quieten roo, but not impede water and food consumption, and not strangle him.
Continue to observe for a few more hours when all is as you like, take the collar off and trim off excess tongue of Velcro. Replace fitting to the mark you have chosen. Press the tape between finger and thumb to ensure the tape is secure.
Continue to observe hisbehavior. Leave the collar on 24/7, frequently checking him at random times for his comfort, to be sure nothing has gotten inside the collar like twigs and so on. Use the old collar to measure for any replacement collars in the future because of rooster growth add more length, or it becomes too dirty, or damaged.
When you are satisfied with the noise reduction and his comfort for a few days, then you may begin on that next noisy boy!
Using dark shading for the coop with layer hens will shorten hours needed for ovulation. A hen will begin laying at a certain time each day. The following day she’ll lay about 20 minutes later than the day before. She will eventually return to lay at her earliest time and 20 mins later the next day and so on. Perhaps a roost with a dark area for him will help, but if hears other roosters he’ll crow.
It’s funny, on some nights my roosters crow when they see the bright moon until it passes and it is dark again.
It is all a chicken thing!
I tend to run-on, sorry!
I hope this may be helpful.

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