Nipples v cups


Apr 26, 2020
Thanks for all of your opinions on this topic. My chicks are 1.5 weeks right now and are not quite ready for all of THIS, but it makes us start thinking about what's next for them.
I seem to be a bit of a "different sort". I LIKE the daily "hands on" approach to having chickens. My doors are not automatic, I go out every morning and evening to let them out and then lock them up. I have to fill feeders & watering bowls almost daily too. But I like that. It causes me to spend time and attention with my chickens on a daily basis so I get to know my birds very well. I don't want nipples, that's not natural, and many of my birds (especially the leghorns) like to stand in their water! Many folks find automatic doors, waterers, and major big feeders great, but I'd rather do it myself and spend time with my chickens. That is one reason for having them! Good luck on whatever you do! :hugs
Below is a link for you to compare options for your waterer.

I have 14 gallon horizontal nipple waterers and no waste feeders that I refill once a week and my coop and run are open 24/7. I have a very easy set up for taking care of my flock. I am still out there twice a day during the week and more often on weekends. In the morning I scoop the poop board and take out fermented feed. After work I go out to collect eggs and make sure they are all doing good. So even if you simplify taking care of them you can still spend time with them, at least I do.

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