Newly hatched duckling will not straighten it's neck, keeps it bent to it's chest.(picture)


Mar 21, 2023
Hello, I just had 2 east Indie duckling hatch and one looks normal, but one has kept its head bent to it's chest and acts like it can't straighten it's neck, I know ducks take a long time after piping but he was pushing 36 hours, he had zipped about half way and seemed to not be able to go any further, I had another one piped and didn't want to risk opening the incubator so as soon as it hatched I helped the other one and he ended up having some feathers stuck to the shell, I guess shrink wrapped a little, didn't look bad, but he will not straighten out his neck. Way he in the egg too long? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I can do to help him. Thanks in advance.


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