Newbie to the chicken world...and boards. :o)

Oh my goodness, I couldn't agree more...especially about trying to get someone on the phone at the city office. So frustrating! It's not like I want a poultry farm, you know? Just a couple of hens - maybe three - in a coup/run in the backyard. Normally, I'd just try it and see if I could get away with it...but these are live animals. I don't want to get them all happily installed and then have an outraged neighbor call the city on me or something. That would be just pooey.

I did look at Columbus' website, but it didn't make sense to me...there was so much information, and I didn't see a way to search for a certain word. We called the city, but they had us leave a message with a veteranarian. He hasn't called back yet...he's probably still giggling about the crazy lady who wants some pet chickens in the city.

I guess I'll just keep digging away. I definitely appreciate the warm welcome, though!!! Thanks, everybody!! I was sure everyone was going to say, "Lady, buy a farm or forget chickens!!" It's nice that there's people out there who understand!
Most certainly not! People (myself included) have kept dogs and cats for years, and what do they give us besides love and devotion and vet bills? Why not keep a 'pet' that can also feed us!
Keeping a small backyard flock is a fun and honorable passtime.

This is SUCH an encouraging post - thank you so much for it!
I have to tell you one more thing about lasagna gardens, because it is so funny...

When I first got the book, I made three beds, about 8'x4'; they were all stacked nice and neat side by side with little paths between them. We had not been in our house long, and some friends came over to see the place and take the grand tour, ya know. My friend Candy walked out to the back yard, saw the lasagna beds and asks, "Whose graves are those?"

She was serious too. So my husband told her that we didn't really buy the house, we knocked off the previous owners and buried 'em in the back!
Ahh... yes. I have a Mexican Lime Tree. That is my beer garden! Can't have a Corona without lime.

Welcome to the forum, HenHappy! We'll help you out with your new chicken obsession. You say it's not an obsession now, but give it time!
Welcome to the forum. I am also new and have gotten so much help from everyone here. I just started my lasagna beds last fall. I can't wait to see how they do. I read the book Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza. It was great and so easy to follow. I'm even trying potatoes her way on the newspapers.
You should also contact animal control and/or the health department...
I had to go to the Health Dept because my cockerel and crowing hen were "Noise Pollution" and also they license my birds.
The Animal Control Department because they need to inspect the place where the birdies are going to live. It helps that the ACO knows about other chicken keepers who don't keep their place as good as yours and that he sees them contentedly watching Texas Justice on their own TV.
YOu could also go searching the neighbourhood for the rooster owner and he might be able to give you some tips too.
I just read an article on lasagna gardening in the Patriot Ledger this morning...I'm gonna have to try it...
In Columbus, animal control seems to be mostly concerned with dogs. I did try contacting them, but they didn't have any help for me. I called the Capital Area Humane Society, because they work closely with the city, but they had no answers for me. So I did call the health department, but there's absolutely nothing for them to inspect yet...until I find out if it's legal, I'm not going to go to the expense of building a home for them. Ya know?

I suspect the rooster owner just has the rooster because he's cool with his neighbors and no one reports it....unfortunately, while he/she is close by, I don't really talk to even my next door neighbors, so I'd feel really uncomfortable searching down someone a few blocks away to talk about it. I'll just wait and see if the vet from the health department calls back, I guess.

Who knew it'd be this difficult to keep a pet chicken! LOL!
Hiya! Do you by any chance have a Co-Op store in your area? Maybe even the next town? Or, a farm supply store. They usually sell chickens the weekend after Easter, and for a bout 4-5 weeks after (or until they run out). They should definately know what the rules are for your area. it'd be silly for them to sell, and not know. My local Co-op has been very resourceful. Good luck in finding the information you need, I hope you can have them! They have given us great pleasure! We even bought a bench to put in front of our coop. We're allowed to have them as long as they are 30 feet from property line and dwellings. Good Luck!

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