NEWBIE CHICKEN MOM--Moving chickens to the completed new coop!


Jun 22, 2022
Northwest Indiana
I was able to move the chickens to their new coop last night (Tuesday) at dusk. They were not as excited as we were. FYI, they are currently 19 weeks old. Since the run on the old TSC coop was TINY (see pic), I let them free-range during the day. The new coop has a much larger attached run. I've been doing searches, but there seems to be discrepancies in the recommendations pertaining to how long to lock them up to acclimate them to their new home. Some say 24-hours, some say 3 days! That's a significant difference!

My main long should I keep them locked in the hen house (before I allow access to the attached run)? Can I let them out tomorrow? [I hate having to lock them in. They were NOT happy last night. It's a tougher step than I had anticipated. I am mad at myself for being SO SOFT OVER CHICKENS! I couldn't even sleep last night!]
Also (fyi), this coop requires climbing a ladder, unlike their old TSC coop...there could be some training involved there.
We will be on vacation next week and I had just planned on leaving them confined to the run for the duration of that (I have a very experienced chicken-sitter), so I'm expecting them to be comfortable by the time we return.

I've attached a pic...I do plan on moving the old coop out-of-sight this weekend, fyi. TIA!!!


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Nice looking new digs your flock has now!

I would not leave them locked in at all, if they free ranged during the day maybe keeping them in would make sense, but from what I see in the pic, I'd keep the normal routine and let them explore so they can become familiar with the new digs.
Nice looking new digs your flock has now!

I would not leave them locked in at all, if they free ranged during the day maybe keeping them in would make sense, but from what I see in the pic, I'd keep the normal routine and let them explore so they can become familiar with the new digs.
They have been free-ranging during the day.
They have been free-ranging during the day.
We kept our flock in the coop/run for 1 day, then let them free range, but during the day we check to be sure they are making it back in and out the first few days. I don't think there is a right or wrong timeframe, depends on your flock and how large an area they have, but my experience is that when chickens know their safe space like their coop they will have no problems after 24hrs.
I'd do 3 days as long as temperatures permit, and as long as there's a minimum of 4 sq ft per bird in coop floor space, however don't be surprised if they don't all make it back inside the first night after they're out. You will find any stragglers hanging out by their old home.

If they've never used a ramp or ladder to access the pop door you may need to train them to use it.

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