
Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

I just moved some eggs to lockdown. Isn't incubating so exciting? It's addictive too!
It was our first time. 1st one pip at day 19 hatched on day 20. 2nd one pip on day 22 hatched day 23 so had to get 1st one out of there to feed and water as it was over 48 hours. Felt 2 more of the eggs move while we actually took the 2 chicks out. Let it go to day 25 then did another candle sadly the 2 movers didnt make. So 2 of 6 hatched and those 2 1 olive egger and 1 Amerucana? Probably a mix are doing great. Put them in but separate from some jersey giants and buff orpington I had bought. All 16 doing great. 2 roosters 14 Hens

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