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Sep 12, 2023
I have 12 hens 6 cinnamon queens and 6 bar rock. Absolutely love them. I bought end of march and am now getting 10 eggs a day. I purchased 12 Guinea at the same time 8 ran away and I bought 12 more end of July. The big Guinea are training little ones. I have never had chickens or guinea before. My husband and I bought land to home stead and have a place for the kids and grandkids to come and get away from the city. We are having the time of our lives. Nothing like going back to the way we were raised as kids. I hope to join many of the groups. Homesteading is important to us. Self sufficiency. My kids think we are crazy to give up the conveniences. I am 57 and husband 69. He is retired I am still working. So I only get to farm 4 days a week. I don’t have any pics on my tablet but I do on my phone I will upload some.

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