New to Silkies


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
I have been taken in by the Silkie breed and this past weekend I bought a White Silkie hen and rooster.

I have searched the site looking and reading all things silkie. At present the pair are in a extra large dog kennel and are quite skittish when I come around. It has only been one day so I know its not enough time for them to calm down and feel at home.

Is there anything specific I should know about this breed or any breed specific advice you would offer to a Silkie newbie?
First, you succumbed to their evil. Good job ;D.

Second, they have a big reputation for being fluffball sweethearts, and they usually are, but don't be surprised that they're nervous. Take it slow, and though %90 of silkies are friendly, the occassional bird will remain shy and standoffish. There's nothing wrong, it's just the occasional bird's personality.

Third, like all crested breeds, their vision is limited, so they're easy to spook if you approach from the back/behind, so be careful.

Their vaulted skulls mean that their heads are vulnerable, be careful about other birds pecking their heads or other headblows.

Seems like silkies have a propensity towards wry neck, a condition where their heads will go down and they'll walks backwards and flap around until righted. It's a vitamin deficiency, treatable through supplements of selenium and a few other supplements.

Also, I hate to say it but you're addicted :c.

I can't really give any showing or breeding advice, so I'll leave that up to others. Hope you enjoy your fluffballs!
If their crests are really big, you can improve their vision a little by plucking out the fluffy feathers that are just to the front of the inside corner of their eyes. That gives them better forward vision without ruining the look of the crest.

Also, you can do what I used to do for this cockerel with a vision blocking crest...... I used a baby barrette to hold his crest out of his face. LOL
(click on image for a larger picture)

Their vaulted skulls mean that their heads are vulnerable, be careful about other birds pecking their heads or other headblows.

Head blows really can kill them or do neuro damage. I saw one of my silkies run straight into a wall and drop over dead. I was shocked. She didnt hit it that hard but it killed her. Poor girl needed a tiny little helmet.

Welcome to BYC​
While they are quite susceptible to head trauma, most do not have vaulted skulls and are not as vulnerable. To know for sure if your birds do have vaulted skulls, gently feel the tops of their heads. If you feel a bulbous knob, thats the vault, if it's not felt, they do not have it.

Do you have pics of the new birds?
Silkies are great little birds you shouldnt be disapointed with your new additions. They are known to be very calm and even though it may take them a few days to settle in and calm down. Make sure you talk when ever your around them so they get use to the sound of your voice. You will find yourself talking to them anyways. I do atlease. Im a victim of the evil cuteness as much as anyone else. My friend tells me that they look like alien chickens to him and are working on a master plan to take over the world using cute tactics.
Here is a picture of my new babies. I think their hair was cut prior to the auction sale, will it grow back?

The male is non bearded, the female looks bearded. They are hatchery quality so they wont look like the ones you see at sanctioned shows. Their crests likely won't get much larger than they are currently.

Non bearded birds can have crests just as large as bearded birds, these are not very common though, as most breeders concentrate on bearded varieties and therefore most of the nicer silkies out there are bearded.

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