New to chickens


Jul 1, 2023
Central NC
Hi! Everyone. We have 8 babies. Six are Black Barred Rocks and one Rhode Island Red. Raised them from two days old. All are in pretty good health. I spent a bunch more than I planned building my coop and run 'mansion.' I know people think I have gone 'off the reservation' with this but we are looking forward to many hours of enjoyment (and eggs?). They are about six weeks old and cute as can be. I never thought of owning chickens before, but when egg prices went up so much (we like our eggs!), it suddenly dawned on me, 'why not raise some chickens?' They all know our voices and come when we get in the run. They even sit on us if we let them.
I have many questions that I will ask soon. But just wanted to say "Hey!"
Hello :frow! Welcome to the BYC community! We’re so glad you joined! :)

Make yourself at home and feel free to browse the website/app and ask any questions you have. You’re sure to find lots of friendly members who are very knowledgeable and willing to give advice or assist in any way they can! Don’t be afraid to add some of your own input as well; you never know who you may be able to help!

As you raise your birds and they continue to grow up, you will find that they are some of the best pets you could ever have! They each have individual personalities, and they can be so entertaining even just to watch! The eggs are a huge plus as well, and I’m sure that you’ll wish you’d gotten chickens earlier! I hope you really enjoy your little flock and that they suit your needs well :)

Thanks for joining, and I hope we’ll meet again in some other threads! Welcome to BYC!!! :welcome:celebrate:ya
Hi and welcome to BYC! Many of us ended up spending much more than we had intended to build secure coops and runs. (I see you used hardware cloth, great that you knew to do that.) But chickens are so much fun to watch and interact with; that and their wonderful eggs make the price to keep them safe well worth it. Have fun watching your chicks grow up. Before you know it, you will be enjoying gathering their awesome eggs!

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