New to chickens on Long Island

Thank you Joseph,. I will see if i can make my way out to you. I'll contact you.

Thank you, Irischick, I could use as much insight as possible.

I am planning on getting 3 Stars from the LI Poultry tomorrow before they are all gone. So EXCITED!!! I'll have to kick in my rural background gears. I was born in Vietnam and lived in the Mangrove Jungles for 2 plus years. There we had dogs, chickens and ducks. The concern there was the insane amount of aggressive mosquitoes. The chicken were smart. They all run into the coop before dusk when the mosquitoes come out. We had to cover the coop carefully with thick burlap sacks. Once in awhile the mosquitoes find the way in anyway. We have had chicken died of anemia. The mosquitoes suck them dried overnight from the crown. Crazy! I am glad we don't have that here. Well, we have are other predators but at least not by the millions every night.

Looking forward to meeting you some time in the future.

Hi Everybody! My LI Poultry chicks are happy and healthy. They have been spending the day outside in the coop, but I still bring them inside at night. We also have 4 chicks from Clark Farm in CT that are about 2 weeks younger. The LI poultry gals are a lot less skittish. What will be the best way to mix the big girls w the babies? Right now, I let the babies run around the room when the big girls come in for the night. The big girls glare at them through the grates of the dog crate!
Hey, i am glad to hear that you're stepping into the fabulous world of hens!
The best place that i know of on LI is Talmage Farm Agway in Riverhead. Although it may not be around the corner for you, it is a great place to get everything for your chickens (especially when starting up) and more!

Best of luck to you and your family!
Hi everyone,
We just got our 3 girls from LI Poulty last weekend. They are doing great and seems very happy. Since we don't have a coop yet, they are in a temporary enclosed area with our dog's crate. They roam free in the enclosed area all day then back in the crate every night. I decided to buy the 16 weeks old chicks instead of the few days old. The older chicks were more costly then I expected. but they are much more carefree than a young chick would be. Being the naturist that i am, I was not thrilled that the older girls were all debeaked. I am still trying to get used to the look of their shortened beaks. Poor chickies!

We are still designing the coop. I am thinking about changing our design so that the floor of the coop would made of the chicken wire with a catch tray underneath for cleanliness inside the coop. At first, I was worried about the wire being uncomfortable for their feet or too cold in the winter. However, they spend most of their time outside the coop anyways and we could easily lay something on top of the wire in the winter time. i was wondering what everyone think?

Thank you,
Hello....I also live in Lake Grove, NY and am interested in having chickens. I have been unable to get information on keeping chickens here in Lake Grove. I read something that someone else wrote saying that it was not allowed. Does anyone know? Thank you for any help!
Hello....I also live in Lake Grove, NY and am interested in having chickens. I have been unable to get information on keeping chickens here in Lake Grove. I read something that someone else wrote saying that it was not allowed. Does anyone know? Thank you for any help!

Hello, welcome!
I am not in Lake Grove. I went to my local library to look up the codes.

- Jennifer

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