New Stunt Chicken Org. For trick chickens


Dec 13, 2018
Port of Los Angeles, CA
Wasn't sure where to post this, so I went with off topic discussions and hope it's the right place.

I've been teaching my chickens tricks and decided to start an org just for trick chickens!

StuntChickenUSA has been in the works since early this year, but our rules and website should be ready to rumble on our grand opening date, May 1,2019.

You can earn a lot of different trick titles for your chickens. Some take a lot of training, some take clever thinking and your bird. There are titles for all ages of chickens and for all levels of trainers including GRAND CHAMPION STUNT CHICKEN. wow.

All titles are earned by sending in photographs or video to us and having an adjudicator verify you've done the amount specified to earn the specific titles. This is great for people and their chickens of all ages, think of it as an online trick show, but for chickens.

Instead of going by levels, we are following the earn badges and work your way to the top in an array of categories.Maybe you like to dress your chicken up. Hey - that's a skill getting outfits on a chicken. You could go for the supermodel chicken badge and have your chicken walk the runway.

Maybe you are one awesome chicken trainer and can click and treat your way to stardom by earning your agility chicken award. You know, the teeters and weaves and jumps that the dogs do? Well, you CAN train your chicken to do it. Trust me, I paid a lot in the early 2000 to go to chicken camp and learn to clicker train a hen I had never met before. It was fun and I did the full course in a weekend. Had I had a video camera back then I could show you proof, but alas you will have to believe me until I can find my graduation certificate.

There are lots of categories, and we are open to "new" badges to incorporate the tricks your chickens do.

For those in So Cal, you can show again and not worry about Newcastles. Just train your bird! Currently we are on FB only and building to include full rules, forms, blogs and more.

I've got Peeper McNugget learning to play a xylophone and a little grand piano so she can get the musician badge!

Tell me what tricks YOU or your kids like doing with their chickens

stunt chicken eggs.jpg

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