new research debunks trad views on nutrition

But they aren't always intent on eating bugs. Sometimes they want to eat grass, and can be very selective about it too, as @RoyalChick noted recently on one thread or another. And I'm pretty sure that in one area of my lawn at the moment they're intent on mycelium rather than grass or bugs. I took this photo yesterday; they've been working that patch intensively for about a month. As you can see, plenty of grass about, and the well-worked area is well defined. It also happens to be where, in years past, fairy rings of mushrooms and assorted other fungi come up. Silver birch, cherry, spruce, camellia, and a few other tree roots extend into the area.
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Loving chicken nutrition examples.
As a generalization, the US tends to address poor protein quality (less than optimal AA profile) by providing more cheap protein sources (resulting in higher average total crude protein), because its usually cheaper for us than starting with better quality (superior AA profile) proteins in the first place.

In the EU, with less arable land to devote to animal feed, its cheaper to start with a better base protein, and supplement as needed with artificial AAs to address deficiencies. The EU is at the leading edge of that research in part because the US didn't think it was worthwhile or necessary to invest in.

but that's just a generalization.
Glad to see you admit US commercial feed is poor quality and cheap. Thank you for the validation.

You say.. The US didn't think it was worthwhile or necessary to invest in research that starts with better base protein......

Yup, because profits, not quality. If they could sell you garbage, they would. Oops, they already do. Glad to see you did some studying on garbage commercial feed.

I hope you don't backtrack and tell others that commercial feed is still high quality most studied perfect feed ever, anymore.
I mean the lawn weeds - Plantago sp. I think normally they find these a bit tough and cruise right by, but a couple of years ago they had a real Plantain obsession. Now it happened that two of them had diarrhea at the time - no idea why - and it also happens that Plantain husks are the source of psyllium (which regulates bowl movement for both diarrhea and constipation). This is probably totally fanciful, but it did occur to me they were self medicating.
Plantain spp. are valuable additions in the garden. They self-seed on the old tarmac drive here and my lot pick off the seeds in autumn (so I don't weed one area of the drive, and can see that it's plantain that they're consuming there (among other things)). They also pop up here and there by the chicken spa, and have for years, so the chickens' consumption of the seeds keeps it in check, and they have proved themselves to be sustainable harvesters of that weed.

The seeds were once sold as feed to bird keepers in London, according to this old Herbal, which also has a lot of old lore about the health benefits of this plant:
Some might want to listen to this 15-minute podcast from Dr Michael Mosley on the benefits of eating whole grains (rather than refined grains). It is a new one in his long-running series Just One Thing, focussed on small easy changes we can make today to improve our health (and some of them, like this one, apply to chickens too :D ).
Some might want to listen to this 15-minute podcast from Dr Michael Mosley on the benefits of eating whole grains (rather than refined grains). It is a new one in his long-running series Just One Thing, focussed on small easy changes we can make today to improve our health (and some of them, like this one, apply to chickens too :D ).
You have to sign in to the BBC to listen.
I don’t have to log in to listen.
What do you think about this for a whole grain chicken feed?
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Glad to see you admit US commercial feed is poor quality and cheap. Thank you for the validation.

You say.. The US didn't think it was worthwhile or necessary to invest in research that starts with better base protein......

Yup, because profits, not quality. If they could sell you garbage, they would. Oops, they already do. Glad to see you did some studying on garbage commercial feed.

I hope you don't backtrack and tell others that commercial feed is still high quality most studied perfect feed ever, anymore.

and I see you are still selectively misquoting, seemingly deliberately misreading, and still putting forth a simplistic opinion based on nothing more than your world view. Reality is uncaring.
Some might want to listen to this 15-minute podcast from Dr Michael Mosley on the benefits of eating whole grains (rather than refined grains). It is a new one in his long-running series Just One Thing, focussed on small easy changes we can make today to improve our health (and some of them, like this one, apply to chickens too :D ).
Mate where you been? Basically ALL whole grains are sprayed by glyphosate which in turns makes majority poisonous to even eat. Goes for microplastics and forever chemicals in every humans blood. There's no escaping none of it I'm afraid

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