Announcement New Required Field - Why Join BYC - Anti Spam



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We recently added a new profile filed in our member's "personal details" page that asks the question: "What’s your main reason for joining our community?"

We made this required for all new members for two reasons:
  1. It helps us to make sure we're meeting the needs of people joining our great community
  2. It assists with weeding out spammers (especially foreign ones) that don't know how to answer that question very well ;)
So, if you go into your account and try to edit any of your "personal details" , you'll be required to also update that field.

LOL cracking me up. Who reads this Nifty ?

It's actually really interesting! People joining to share their love of chickens.... or to ask turkey questions, or for emergency help. All kinds of reasons!

Actually, let me grab a bunch at random:

To learn and share information about chickens and ducks
Chicken lover
New to raising chickens and want all the info I can get. Want my girls to be happy and healthy!
my friend likes chickens a lot
Having fun raising chickens
Owner of chickens
To learn
Want to learn
To buy chicken eggs
I love chickens
moving to charlotte county florida from TN. I have 22 chickens I would like to bring. Any new info if chicks were allowed?
I found a baby chick and need help
To learn how to take care and treat my turkeys.
I have a question about my chicken
Raising backyard chickens
To be a chicken King!
Wanting to know about nipple for water and what happens in the winter using nipples
Needing advice
Chicken questions, concerns and curiosity
Recently got 4 chicks and need some guidance!
chicken forums
information for my flock
I like chickens
I want to learn about how to raise my chickens, and what I need to do while taking care of them. I also want to learn about specific breeds that I have.
I have chickens
Learn about chickens
Need advice
I love chickens
Love all the fur/feather/scale babies
To know about something I want
I'm interested in chicken care automation and I would like to see what people are using and what they would be willing to use.
To connect with other chicken owners to glean knowledge on raising backyard flocks.
Share and learn
Raising chickens
Raising my 1st flock of chickens
Chicken and duck advice
I have four chickens and one has gone missing!!
I have pet chicken and they usually keep falling ill and no vet is available in our area so need help
To learn more about my chickens.
Intrest in building duck houses and raising ducks
Chicken care ideas!
New chicken owner
Good information
I just bought some Muscovy Ducks
Information about ducks
I want to learn more about these cute birds
Just purchased our first set of chicks and want to learn everything we can to keep them happy and healthy
I'm an experienced chicken owner, who recently moved to the city.
New chickens
I have chickens! I have questions!
new to chicken world
information on growing chickens
just started raising chicken
Chicken Owner
Chicken lover
Selling and trading
hatching little babies
raising backyard chickens and needing information for beginner
Recently started raising quail in my backyard. May need some advice from members.
Learn about chicken management.
I have chickens and ducks
Have been given 5 hatchlings. Have no chick experience or knowledge. I need the help of experts. Thank you!!
New to owning chickens
breed knowledge on Ayam Cemani and Swedish Black Hen chickens
Starting out our adventure having urban chickens.
returning to a meaningful REAL LIFE style !! just added 6 Red Comet chicks to my small but growing Acre Farm of 5 fruit trees and blueberry bushes and an expanding vegetable garden

I loved this one:
returning to a meaningful REAL LIFE style !! just added 6 Red Comet chicks to my small but growing Acre Farm of 5 fruit trees and blueberry bushes and an expanding vegetable garden
So is there someone that reads everyone of them and decides if they are or not ?

No way... that would be a crazy amount of work with like 200 people joining every day ;)

For spammers, we have a about 20 things that are warning-flags for a spammer. If someone is "on the fence", sometimes what they wrote in that box can help push them one way or another ;)

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