New Member


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
Hi Everyone,

I have just joined today as I have been using Backyard Chickens for advice since we got our hens last year and I decided it was time to join some community! It is an excellent site for infomation and everyone seems really nice :) I am in Ireland and we have three hens a mexican black tail, a light sussex and guinea hen. We are planning on getting 2 more in the coming weeks.

At the moment our light sussex is acting very strangely!! She was gaping and shaking her last week so I have wormed them all as I thought it was gapworm. She is eating and drinking but a little less than normal. She has no wheezing our coughing but sounds a slight bit hoarse and her feces look normal most of the time, sometimes a little watery but nothing unusual.

Over the last few days she has been in the house sitting on her perch more and more but comes out when you go out and eats when you give them some food. Yesterday she was standing outside with her head under her wing, is this normal behaviour??? I know they can sleep with their head under their wing, but outside??

I have given them wormer for gapworm since last Saturday and have put it in their daily water also. I thought by now it would be having an effect so now I am wondering is it something else???? Does anyone have any advice on this?? It would be much appreciated :)
Did you test her for gapeworm first. I know people can use a q-tip (cotton on end of stick) to take a sample from throat, if it comes out blood tinged or with tiny worms, then you know.
No I didn't test her I just saw her gaping and shaking her head. But this afternoon I have found what look like black worms in her faeces. Her faeces are also very yellow and runny with the black worms in it. I have taken her inside as she now seems a little weak. Not really sure what else to do???

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