New member with some goals!


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2020
Hello everyone. A few weeks back I put in a order with Murray McMurray Hatchry for 16 Buff Orpingtons. The week of June 29th if everything works out I'll be a proud owner of 9 roosters and 6 hens (and some random free chick).

I'm not brand new to caring for chickens. Most of my youth my parents and grandparents had chickens and well being the eldest son/grandson, I got the privilege to care for them. Though this will be my first time being the sole owner.... correction co-owner I need to include wifey.

I choose Buff Orpingtons because they're dual purpose, broody, cold tolerant and have a great disposition. There were several other breeds I considered including Barred Rocks and RIR and in the future I'll introduce need types.

Goals: The primary reason I got chickens is to be for self sustaining. To reduce the burden for chicken farms so they too can move on to happier and healthier chickens. With my small family the only issue is meat. To feed my family for the year I couldn't raise enough birds nor provide them with the quality of life I want for them. So, being realistic I'm striving to reduce with the hope of eliminating.

An ambitious goal for the future is to create the best chicken breed for my family. Living in Utah the winters are cold and the summers are dry and hot. So, my plan is to create a breed that not only can withstand the cold, but shrugs off the heat while keeping my first goal in mind.

If you follow this thread or another that I might need to create since this probably is not the correct thread. You can join me in my journey.

Michael Celaya
That's a lot of roosters for the hens. I hope you keep them separated.

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