New member, new chicken owner

Jackie Allen

Jun 23, 2020
Hi folks,
Happy to be joining a group of chicken owners and lovers! Raising chickens for the first time and I have six: 2 Americaunas, 1 buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Mystery (Red) chicken. They are 7 weeks old and are happily roosting in their coop that I built and are enjoying a converted 8 x 22 ft. dog run.
I’d love advice about how to train our crazy Corgie to not kill them. I fear I can never let them out of the run, alas.
Welcome to BackYard Chickens! We're very glad that you've decided to join us, and we hope that you enjoy your time on this site.
I can't offer any advice on how to train your dog to not attack your chickens, but I hope that someone drops by and gives you some pointers soon.
Good luck with your flock!

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