
Sep 14, 2022
Grovertown, IN
Hi there, my name is Samantha and I just bought 6 pullets last Friday. They are my first chicks! I do believe one is a rooster though 😅, we took a gamble in the unsexed tub. He is much larger than the other one that came from the same bin with him, I will probably post a photo when he/she is a bit older!

We recently put up a fenced-in enclosure and built a chicken coop and figured lets give it a try. We have covered the enclosure entirely so I am hoping it is 100% predator proof. Any tips or suggestions are welcomed!

I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Black Australorps. I really would like to get 2 Speckled Sussex's next spring, they are the Appaloosas of the chicken world, one of my favorite horse breeds.

My other hobbies include riding horses, taking my dog for hikes, and traveling when possible. I trail ride my horse and also barrel race at local horse shows. I have a blue heeler who is attached to my hip and she is very kind and animal friendly. They are already her little babies and she wants to check on them often. lol I have three cats that also follow us around the whole property and love sleeping in our bed. They are part of the reason the entire enclosure is covered. lol I am hoping once the chicks get bigger the cats won't pay them any mind.

I found BYC the last few days when doing my research on them and found myself here often so I figured I would just make a log in and join! I love the idea of home raised eggs and seeing it through start to finish. I also just love animals in general and can't wait to spoil them! I would love any tips and suggestions as I am a first time chicken owner! Thank you in advance, I am excited to start this journey here!
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Hi there, my name is Samantha and I just bought 6 pullets last Friday. They are my first chicks! I do believe one is a rooster though 😅, we took a gamble in the unsexed tub. He is much larger than the other one that came from the same bin with him, I will probably post a photo when he/she is a bit older!

We recently put up a fenced-in enclosure and built a chicken coop and figured lets give it a try. We have covered the enclosure entirely so I am hoping it is 100% predator proof. Any tips or suggestions are welcomed!

I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Black Australorps. I really would like to get 2 Speckled Sussex's next spring, they are the Appaloosas of the chicken world, one of my favorite horse breeds.

My other hobbies including riding horses, taking my dog for hikes, and traveling when possible. I trail ride my horse and also barrel race at local horse shows. I have a blue heeler who is attached to my hip and she is very kind and animal friendly. They are already her little babies and she wants to check on them often. lol I have three cats that also follow us around the whole property and love sleeping in our bed. They are part of the reason the entre enclosure is covered. lol I am hoping once the chicks get bigger the cats won't pay them any mind.

I found BYC the last few days when doing my research on them and found myself here often so I figured I would just make a log in and join! I love the idea of home raised eggs and seeing it through start to finish. I also just love animals in general and can't wait to spoil them! I would love any tips and suggestions as I am a first time chicken owner! Thank you in advance, I am excited to start this journey here!
Welcome to BYC!!

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