New Member and Trouble with Ducks


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2015

I joined this forum a month or so ago. I used your materials in processing a rooster and a hen that was thought to be a rooster. More likely just the top hen who was particularly aggressive. Your materials were extremely helpful.

I now have a few hens, a female duck and a male duck. The male duck has taken over the rooster duties and is chasing everybody around, including one of our dogs. He is a runner duck and can't fly, which helps. The female duck has a bald patch on the back of her neck but does not run away from the male. The hens run away and have figured out that they can brush off the male under the bushes.

All 3 hens have stopped laying eggs. Is this normal for the time of year? Is it related to the male duck problem? They were laying just fine until this last week. They slowed down egg production and then stopped altogether. I was getting 2 to 3 eggs a day. I have had only 3 eggs in the last 3 days.

I have followed the feeding advise on here and they do not have any mites or anything I can find wrong. The hens seem very happy, even one that jumps up to sit with me when I am outside on the porch.

Should I worry or just go with the flow?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Your hens could have stopped laying due to the hassle and chasing they are getting from your male duck. They could also have stopped due to them molting if your birds have started. I'm not a duck expert but I would say that your female duck more than likely has the bald patch due to being over bred by the male. Having just one female your male will be giving all his attention to her. For me I would seperate them so everyone can have a rest and some peace from your male duck. Please do drop by the duck section ~

Good luck :fl
Yorkshire coop gave you some good advice so I just wanted to stop in and say, "Welcome to the BYC flock! We are very glad you decided to join us!"

You would do well to keep the drake away from chicken hens. Duck anatomy is very different from chickens. A drake can severely damage or kill a hen by trying to breed her. Your hens have been able to avoid him but, sooner or later he will snare a victim. Maybe your drake needs a few female ducks to keep him occupied. You could ask that on the "Duck thread."

You've received some good advice from the other greeters so I'll just say Hello!

It's nice to have you here and I hope things calm down a bit so your chickens can get back to their egg laying.
Thank you for your help! I am going to get a few more female ducks hopefully today.
Actually, I just read some of the integration and quarantine articles here and will be getting chicks, not adult birds. Thank goodness for BYC!

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