New Jersey Giant


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
I got this Chicken thinking I was getting a Hen but not so sure. This picture is at 22 weeks. Can anyone tell me if it's a roo or not.

The pictures have shadows in all the wrong places, but that being said, thin legs, small comb, no pointy feathers all say girl to me.
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Thanks.... I live in town and could have sworn I heard a crow somewhere. Maybe someone else in the neighborhood has a roo! LOL

She is 22 weeks old, are they good layers and when do they start?
they are decent layers(in due time), big eggs, and you should get probably 3-4 eggs a week. They start a bit later than almost all egg laying breeds because their first 9 months or so is used to fill out that large frame. avg I think is 9-12 months on them for laying. But they are great chickens to have. The size helps out to keep the hawks away, and they have good personalities and do well in small backyard flocks mixed with other breeds. i had a blue cockerel and black-blue splash pullet when I had to get rid of my flock in April. I def plan to get more JG's as soon as I can get chickens again. If that was a cockerel you have, the comb would be much larger by now, and it even stands like a pullet. just going off my experience, they carry themselves diff.

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