new guy looking for another member


Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 20, 2015
Smith County, TN
I'm fairly new to BYC and today I met a long time member, but can't remember his user info. From West Virginia and raising Marans. Got a new slightly used IBC container. If you see this post, please hit me with a private message.

For all others i'm a real newbie... Absolutely clueless--but in for a Penney, in for a pound. Planning on ordering my birds early spring to start up on my new farm in central TN. Building a 12X24 brooder, five chicken tractors, egg mobile for chickens and one for ducks, plus a small mobile shelter for my Turkeys. First run plan on adding both Pheasants and Quail to the mix...

I plan on working with heritage breeds and playing with many different breeds initially to see which do best in my environment. Those who perform well will continue to lay and be repopulated, those who don't, well there's always the stew pot. Hope to offer both brown and white eggs to the market place as well as duck eggs. I've been asked to consider quail eggs too, but not sure i'm ready to go there.


You might try posting on the WV state thread to see if he's on there:

Checking out the articles in the Learning Center will be helpful in getting you started, there's a lot of good information there:

I hope you find the person you're looking for and your poultry plans work out well.

It's nice to have you here!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. NorthFlChick has given you some good links. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in locating the BYC member you are looking for.

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