New Duck Mom

Jul 23, 2020
Hi all! I have been a lurker here for awhile (mostly Pinterest pins directing me here), but finally decided to join in the fun!

I have recently inherited a house with a few acres (just under 9) that is part of our family’s larger farm. Now that I have a large outbuilding and some acreage, I decided to start a hobby farm. First farm animals (besides a couple of cats) were Ancona ducks. I currently have two females and I’m going to attempt to hatch out a few more.

I built a coop inside my shop (in a protected section), and my next project is a duck pond to replace the plastic turtle they are quickly outgrowing. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that I shouldn’t have put them in the coop until it was 100% finished (I had a couple of temporary sections) when I lost two of my original four ducks while gone overnight (it was devistating). Raccoons I am sure. Now the coop is sealed up so tight I’m not sure a garter snake could even get through!

I am also going to be adding a couple of bunnies soon (Holland lops). And I am trying to decide if I should get a couple of geese or guineas next spring. If anyone has an opinion on that, I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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Hi all! I have been a lurker here for awhile (mostly Pinterest pins directing me here), but finally decided to join in the fun!

I have recently inherited a house with a few acres (just under 9) that is part of our family’s larger farm. Now that I have a large outbuilding and some acreage, I decided to start a hobby farm. First farm animals (besides a couple of cats) were Ancona ducks. I currently have two females and I’m going to attempt to hatch out a few more.

I built a coop inside my shop (in a protected section), and my next project is a duck pond to replace the plastic turtle they are quickly outgrowing. I learned the hard way that I shouldn’t have put them in the coop until it was 100% finished (I had a couple of temporary sections) when I lost two of my original four ducks while gone overnight. Raccoons I am sure. Now the coop is sealed up so tight I’m not sure a garter snake could even get through!
I am also going to be adding a couple of bunnies soon (Holland lops). And I am trying to decide if I should get a couple of geese or guineas next spring.
Oh my I love ducks i really want one they are so pretty !!!!
Oh my I love ducks i really want one they are so pretty !!!!
I have fallen in love with them! Unfortunately, they were already almost 2 weeks old when I got them, so they aren't as sociable as I would like. I am getting ready to attempt to incubate a few eggs and hope that I end up with a few ducks that follow me around and eat from my hand!
I have fallen in love with them! Unfortunately, they were already almost 2 weeks old when I got them, so they aren't as sociable as I would like. I am getting ready to attempt to incubate a few eggs and hope that I end up with a few ducks that follow me around and eat from my hand!
Ahhh i wish you luck! Enjoy being a new duck mum hopefully I'll be one soon 😂

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