New Chix Momma in Indiana :)


Feb 3, 2021
NE Indiana
Hello all!! 👋 I've been lurking here since introducing myself! 🤓

I'm Josey, and I'm a born Hoosier, in my late 40s, married with no kiddos, have 5 kitties and 2 nature & wildlife (esp tree frogs and turtles lol), knitting, drinking hot tea in cool hand-thrown mugs, cooking from scratch, making wire-wrapped gemstone jewelry, playing games, swimming, being outdoors! Hubs and I are slowly working on turning our 8 acres into a little homestead that we call Harmony Hill 🌳🌲🌳🌲

Soooo we are excitedly awaiting our lil fluffybutts' arrival...which will hopefully be tomorrow!! 🐣🐣 Originally we ordered (from Murray McMurray) 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Ameraucanas, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Unfortunately the Orps must not have hatched well, so they substituted (2 +1!) New Hampshire Reds! Hopefully we can tell the difference between them and the RIs. lol. I found vids on the MMcM YouTube channel of the chicks, so that will be our guide 👍 After lots of consideration, we decided on no Roo for now, mainly to hopefully keep things simpler as we learn.

This will be my first time having chickens (though we did have some when I was just a little squirt lol). I feel pretty prepared to get our gals through their first weeks, but I'm a bit stressed about our run set up, litter, and all that fun stuff. 🤪 I have been scouring this forum and it seems there will be no end to that anytime soon! ha!!

I'm looking forward to adding more animal friends to our lifestyle and little homestead, and the journey of learning about them and loving them, too 🥰🥰 I'm so glad to be here and I know I'll enjoy reading about all of your adventures!

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