New chicks and mice!!


5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
Hello, newbie here and getting my new chicks very soon.
I am a lover and these babies are going to be so important ...I just can't wait....
I am also new to the country...and loving it...problem they have been haying next to my home, renting, and my house is filling up with mice! These are fat mice, I'm pretty sure they are mice and not rats...OH MY I HOPE NOT.
I also have two shih tzu's , they are small dogs, they ignore the biggie. I plan on keeping my babies inside to keep them (safe) and I will be able to watch them and play with them all the time. I am terrified that the mice will hurt or kill my new baby chicks. Grrrrrr!! I would put them in bed with me if it would keep them safe. How can I get rid of these horrible things. Hubby is planning on getting snap traps, but there are a lot of them, I don't have any idea how they are getting in...but then I live in a mobile home so it's prob easy. Please help...
Will the mice hurt the babies??
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yes the mice can hurt the babies if the babies are not kept in a safe place. Mice can squeeze through very tiny holes and aside from hurting the babies they also carries diseases and parasites. GET AN EXTERMINATOR- You are describing a mouse problem that is getting worse and worse. Keep setting traps and figure out where they are getting their food from. Dont use outdoor bird feeders or put food outdoors for animals because it will only attract more mice...An exterminator can help you determine the source of the problem. That is the best way to find a permanent solution. Also if you think your neighbors are living in a filthy house or doing anything to cause the problem you should also report addition: Eventually your chicks will need an outdoor coop. A chicken is not meant to live indoors.
I have a coop, but these little girls will be new born. I am way in the country and rent my home. The landlady and her husband have been putting bales of hay next to my house about 50 feet or so. I think the mice are coming from that. I didn't have any problem before they started stacking the hay bales. Thank you
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talk to them about it...yes the mice can make nests and burrows through the hay but they would also need a continuous food source to support a growing population...which makes me think of, dumpsters overflowing or with trash laying around, people disposing of food in unhygienic ways, wild bird seed, someone feeding outdoor cats in your neighborhood... like I said an exterminator if your best need to talk to the landlady and tell her there is a real problem going on. The mice can make you and your family sick as well...they carry very serious diseases
Wow mice can kill chicks and chickens if you have traps out then you need to cover them so you do not hurt the ones you love and the bad part is no poison can be used but you do need to see if the used hay can be removed as rodents to carry dieresis and pestilence just a health problem for everyone involved nothing to shrug off .....

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