New Chicken Mama


My name is Natalie and my fiance and I got 6 Pearl Star leghorn chicks from Tractor supply about 7 weeks ago. They are doing really good. We just finished up their coop and run the other day. I've been finding myself googling questions every so often and it always takes me to this website. There is a lot of good information on here and I am looking forward to being able to ask questions and see what everyone else is doing with their flock!
Oh Natalie welcome here. I've learned bunches in my 2 years on here. Ask away, your flock is a bunch of cuties. If you can get them treats by hand and talk to them and they will be more used to you handling them when needed. Mine love their feed wetted, scrambled eggs, grapes and watermelon and the rind. Have fun with them
Oh Natalie welcome here. I've learned bunches in my 2 years on here. Ask away, your flock is a bunch of cuties. If you can get them treats by hand and talk to them and they will be more used to you handling them when needed. Mine love their feed wetted, scrambled eggs, grapes and watermelon and the rind. Have fun with them
Yes I've been giving them treats since they were itty bitty. They know when momma is coming!! They know my voice and they love being pet and held. I call them my "chickie babies" lol.

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