New babies, unknown breed and one little sick one?


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
Hi everyone!

So, my incubated eggs just hatched! Super exciting, because I haven't had chickens in a few years now! :wee

Also, it's my first time incubating, usually just have a reliable broody! 8 babies - no idea what breeds. One is a bantam, smaller, fuzzy legs, extra toes.

The last two eggs to hatch were a little late, a black and yellow baby, I pulled from the incubator and put in the brooder. The black is doing great. Little yellow chick was very weak - never seemed to recover from hatching. Survived the night, but spent the entire time just continuously opening and closing her little beak. She did hatch by herself fine (I think, I wasn't actually home, but it looked normal in there). I haven't assisted any, or opened the incubator etc, just let them do their thing.

I pulled her away from the others and kept her warm, but as I am writing this I think she may have passed. :( Any idea what might of happened? What could have gone wrong? Should have I left her in the incubator longer?
Congrats on the babies. I don't have much experience but for the suck baby I would try to get some sugar water or water with electrolytes in that one asap. Just dip her little beak in it to get her to drink (if she hasn't passed- I hope not. If so I'm very sorry). It wouldn't hurt to do it for all of them tho to help get them started. The 5 toe baby with feathered feet could be a silkie or faverolle bantam. Black skin would be silkie or silkie mix. White skin -prob faverolle or faverolle mix. Good luck!
Thanks for your replies - unfortunately the little one did pass :hit
I did manage to give her a little bit of water an hour or so before I wrote the original post and she seemed to swallow it fine. I've no idea what went wrong! All the others are eating and drinking well, and have been since the little yellow hatched. She was about a good day or so behind the others.

I hope the little bantam is a silkie, I absolutely love them! I primarily had ducks and raised ducklings, with about 4 hens for years that were just the Isa Brown layers, and a couple of adult silkies. So I don't actually know a lot about chicken breeds!

I'm not so sure about the top knot, I've added another picture if that helps you guys. :p

Thanks for your replies - unfortunately the little one did pass :hit
I did manage to give her a little bit of water an hour or so before I wrote the original post and she seemed to swallow it fine. I've no idea what went wrong! All the others are eating and drinking well, and have been since the little yellow hatched. She was about a good day or so behind the others.

I hope the little bantam is a silkie, I absolutely love them! I primarily had ducks and raised ducklings, with about 4 hens for years that were just the Isa Brown layers, and a couple of adult silkies. So I don't actually know a lot about chicken breeds!

I'm not so sure about the top knot, I've added another picture if that helps you guys. :p

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Sorry for your loss. Sometimes, even if they do manage to hatch they may still be too weak to live. I don't think there really is any other explanation for it, especially if all your other babies are doing just fine.

What a little cutie! The chick may be a silkie mix if they didn't have a silkie roo. In which case, the chick will be mostly flat feather then "silkie".

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