
Hi everyone. I didn't know about this thread, or I forgot, I am getting old. Anyway I'm so glad that I have friends in the Reno Area.

I have some babies that I got 16 weeks ago. I am already checking for eggs from the White Leghorns. I hear that they can start laying a 18 weeks, I am anxiously waiting. Too early I know but I can't help it.

These two darlings are called Latte and Caramel. They are Cream Legbars and they are really funny right now. They are 5 weeks now and ugly as you know what. But they have the cutest little bump on the top of their heads that I guess will be the crest? Looks really silly right now.

I have more pictures but I can't get them to upload .... I will try again later.

Now that I have a source that lives in the same climate as I do...I do have some questions about winter and I know you locals can answer it for me. Do you have supplemental heat in your coops during the winter. And would I be overreacting if I did put a small heat lamp in there? Should it be in the inner coop or the run portion of the coop? I am going to surround the outer run with heavy clear plastic, leaving one side slightly opened for venting.
If the birds are not full grown by winter then go ahead and put in a heat lamp. Honestly, birds don't really need heat lamps in the winter if they are fully feathered out. Silkies are definitely an exception. Winters in Reno are kind of similar to winters in Spring Creek/Elko. As long as they have a roost where everyone can cuddle together and as long as the surface of the roosts is flat and they can cover their feet with their feathers then I think a heat lamp is unnecessary. :)
Hello, Nevadans! If you live in northeastern Nevada then you probably know about how often the weather changes. It can be quite unpredictable!
So glad there's a thread about Nevada here. I love it here!

Kitty - Welcome! You're weather is much more extreme than mine but I'll be more than happy to give any help if you need it.

Lucky for me I live in Las Vegas, it doesn't get to extreme in the winter very often

You're Winter's are nice but boy, those Summer's are way too hot for me.

Hi everyone. I didn't know about this thread, or I forgot, I am getting old. Anyway I'm so glad that I have friends in the Reno Area.

I have some babies that I got 16 weeks ago. I am already checking for eggs from the White Leghorns. I hear that they can start laying a 18 weeks, I am anxiously waiting. Too early I know but I can't help it.

These two darlings are called Latte and Caramel. They are Cream Legbars and they are really funny right now. They are 5 weeks now and ugly as you know what. But they have the cutest little bump on the top of their heads that I guess will be the crest? Looks really silly right now.

I have more pictures but I can't get them to upload .... I will try again later.

Now that I have a source that lives in the same climate as I do...I do have some questions about winter and I know you locals can answer it for me. Do you have supplemental heat in your coops during the winter. And would I be overreacting if I did put a small heat lamp in there? Should it be in the inner coop or the run portion of the coop? I am going to surround the outer run with heavy clear plastic, leaving one side slightly opened for venting.
Hi Jewellen and Welcome! Honestly you really don't need to worry too much with your birds. They can take our winters most of the time. Chickens can handle temps as cold as 10 degrees. What you really need to make sure is you have enough top ventilation and no winds can get into the coop and your chickens should be fine. We worry about bantams and young chickens when it comes to the weather. Plastic does more harm than good with chickens, they like lots of oxygen. Just make sure you can close up your coop when it's really cold and there is plenty of ventilation with no drafts.
It just worked for me.
I clicked on it. It asked to open in Facebook
When I got there. It asked to join
Now I'm waiting on them

It just worked for me.
I clicked on it. It asked to open in Facebook
When I got there. It asked to join
Now I'm waiting on them

Stupid me. I didn't right click. I asked to join as well. One of my White Leghorns is acting Needy. She is sitting down a lot and I found her in the nest yesterday. She wouldn't budge when I petted her (which I probably should not have done} and she was at the far end of the inner coop, a side that the girls never really go to. I am hoping for eggs soon.


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