Nesting for 2 months but no eggs yet


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
My ducks have been nesting and making new nests in the coop for 2 months but I haven't seen any eggs yet. I provide a light and have been making sure they get their 18% feed everyday.
Ducks range 1-3 years of age.

I checked all the nests to see if they buried them but all I get is to the bottom where there's nothing
Sounds to me like they're broody but have no eggs. Hmm! Even if they were molting it shouldn't be that long.

Otherwise, it's that time of year for them to be taking a break but gosh that's not much longer. Maybe another month or so and everyone will start laying again!
could someone or something be stealing the eggs? got any snakes?
I've even set up a camera for when they free range to see if they lay anywhere but I know my ducks and they're very picky about laying in the coop.
I have a duck who refuses to lay anywhere else and always gets upset when a chicken is in "her" nest

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