Nesting boxes too low


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2024
So we just finished our first coop this morning! We used a couple different plans and used idea that would work with what he already had. But I’m concerned that my nesting boxes are too low. They are a few inches off the ground. We saw them in a plan and it worked best for our structure. But then I saw that they need to be high off the ground. We can’t undo it, Im just wondering how much of a problem is it really going to be? I’ll post a picture for reference! Thank you all for your input!


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But then I saw that they need to be high off the ground.
No, they don't. They can even be directly on the ground. They must be below all roost heights.
Your roosts basically being stacked over each other will be an issue for the birds on the bottom roost. They are going to get pooped on. Roosts need to be spaced a minimum of 12" apart horizontally and also a minimum of 12" from the wall.
Your coop would benefit from a couple of windows to let light in and need a lot more ventilation. The windows can be used for ventilation during warmer weather, but you need more for winter.
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I also think the nest boxes will be fine. I would take down the upper roost. I can't tell how high up the bottom roost is. Bring it farther from the wall so you can add a second one behind it. You might not need a second roost. How many chickens you got?
No, they don't. They can even be directly on the ground. They must be below all roost heights.
Your roosts basically being stacked over each other will be an issue for the birds on the bottom roost. They are going to get pooped on. Roosts need to be spaced a minimum of 12" apart horizontally and also a minimum of 12" from the wall.
Your coop would benefit from a couple of windows to let light in and need a lot more ventilation. The windows can be used for ventilation during warmer weather, but you need more for winter.
The picture isn’t very good. Our roosting bars at 12 in from the wall and over 18 in apart. We have 16ft total of roosting bar so I’m sure they’ll have plants of space. Thanks!
The picture isn’t very good. Our roosting bars at 12 in from the wall and over 18 in apart. We have 16ft total of roosting bar so I’m sure they’ll have plants of space. Thanks!
May be 18" apart, but doubt measurement is not of the horizontal distance, thus the pooping on from above.

How long are the roosts and how many birds do you have?
But then I saw that they need to be high off the ground. We can’t undo it, Im just wondering how much of a problem is it really going to be?

Raised nestboxes are common because they let the chickens use the floor space underneath. That works well in a walk-in coop (tall enough for a person to walk into.) In a coop like yours, there is not really enough height to let chickens walk on the floor, then have nestboxes above that, then have roosts higher yet. The nests look good to me the way they are.

Chickens like to sleep on the highest possible thing. That is the reason for putting roosts higher than nestboxes. You got that right.

Chickens poop a lot while they are sleeping. That is why people do not want them sleeping in nestboxes. That is also why you will not want any chickens sleeping on a roost that is under other sleeping chickens. Your bottom roost would be a problem, because chickens sleeping there will get covered in poop from chickens sleeping on the top roost. You could just remove one roost. Or move one sideways, so you no longer have one directly above or below the other.
My nests are about 2-3" above ground level and I prefer it that way as the hens can just walk in, no need for a ramp or landing platforms where they have to fly up.

Are the gaps between the roof rafters open as part of ventilation? I agree that some windows would be nice too for light and air but that'd be less crucial if the space between rafters also provides ventilation.

May be 18" apart, but doubt measurement is not of the horizontal distance, thus the pooping on from above.
^ This. They should be at least 14-16" apart when measuring horizontally.
My nests are about 2-3" above ground level and I prefer it that way as the hens can just walk in, no need for a ramp or landing platforms where they have to fly up.

Are the gaps between the roof rafters open as part of ventilation? I agree that some windows would be nice too for light and air but that'd be less crucial if the space between rafters also provides ventilation.

^ This. They should be at least 14-16" apart when measuring horizontally.
They are 18 inches apart horizontally and they are 8ft long each. We only have 6 birds. The rafters are our ventilation. They are open on all four sides. We have hardware cloth stapled all along the rafters. I got in and stood up and there is a ton of airflow, but we did purchase a small vent to add to the back for added airflow. We live in a heavily wooded area. I would love windows but was advised with our area that it was not safe due to predators. Again it’s our first time we wil learn as we go. Thank you for explaining everything so well, I appreciate it.

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