Nesting box advice


Apr 9, 2022
My second group of chickens has a habit of sleeping on top of the new nesting boxes, There are no roosts higher than the nesting boxes, But there are 2 at least the same height as the floor of the boxes. Do i need to add a roost or two higher? Im manually moving them after sleeping hours, they just deal with it that night but by morning when i let them all out theres poop everywhere i dont want it lol. The boxes are about 3 feet in the air on a platform I made for them, The larger group of birds is 4-5 months old and just started using the roosts instead of sleeping on the ground. Group 2 2 months old is perched on the nesting boxes nightly. I guess tonight maybe the fact that 2 of the larger birds are on the new roost i made them same level as the nesting boxes may have run them up higher. the rest of group 1 was on the higher roost they were all 7 on yesterday. Its like musical roosts in there.
The roosts always need to be higher than nest boxes. If needed can use a temp ramp for smaller birds
Dang it. Well I will reevaluate my layout. Ill see about making the main roosting area taller I know the heavier birds wont wanna go so high, But I definitely want to avoid roosting directly over the nesting boxes. Much taller than the boxes will start getting closer to cross breeze height. It seems we all need engineering degrees to own chickens lol.
You could add a piece of plywood above the nesting boxes, at an angle - to prevent them getting on top. Ah, but then you might get birds choosing to roost IN the nesting boxes. Messy. Yes, somehow you need to lower the nesting boxes, or add higher roosting bars. Or both. But yeah, keep the ventilation above their heads. if you can. I have one end of our coop with a roosting bar directly in front of a bank of windows - and several of my hens and a rooster prefer to roost along that bar. Go figure.
Yep, adult birds always want to roost on the highest perch they can physically get to. Despite an abundance 5 1/2 ft roost space, our leghorns now roost above the 7ft door on the framing, as squashed and awkward as that looks.
You might be surprised what your chunky monkeys can make it up to.

While you get it figured out, at summer temperatures a cross breeze won't hurt them. You just need it sorted before it gets cold.
Yep seems like it at times. Can you just lower the nest box platform? The roost does not need to be much higher. Just a little to keep them out. I gave my best boxes only a foot off of the coop floor. my raised coop) and roost at 20"- 27" off floor.
Im sure i could. Might be easier to raise roosts, or just put nesting boxes on ground level. cant believe what boxes of screws cost nowadays.... much less the 1.5k i spent in wood for this.
Photos of your nest boxes and roosts would help us visualize what the easiest change(s) might be.

I have a 45 degree slanted top on my nest boxes, so birds slide off even if they try to get on top.


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