Need Unique names for a pair of black hens?

Ariana Martinez

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
I am getting a pair of black hens tommorow and I need some unique names for them. One hen is a black ostrolops and the other is a black sex linked hen. Please list as many unique names as you can. Thanx
My two black sex links are Kirk and Spock but if you type in something like "chicken names" or "names for chickens" in the search bar near the top of the page you will get a lot of threads about this topic :) Have fun naming your girls!
Make sure to come back and let us know which names you picked :) Naming is so fun! My one BSL is named Spock because she use to look like a turkey vulture and because my four year old watches too much Star Trek with her Grandma she got Vulcan and vulture messed up, so the name Spock just stuck.
All those names are cute! But I decided to go with Ginger and Pepper. I think it suits them well. :p
Thanks for posting your name ideas!! :)
Lol. Ginger is a very unique and great name. My name is Ariana, which also isn't heard to often. :D

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