Need toe advice!!


May 9, 2022
I’m feeding my neighbors flock while she’s out of town. All 39 birds are happy and healthy, but #40 stays in the barn by herself every day. Her toes are clubbed and the toes that still have a nail look necrotic. I’ve treated my own hens with frostbite before, but the toes never looked like this…and I can’t find any pics online that assure me this is from frostbite.

Does anyone recognize this toe issue? The clubbed part is what has me wondering. I’ve researched so much and haven’t seen this exact issue, so I’m left wondering.

I’m going to ask her about it when she gets home, but was wondering if this pops out to anyone as a definite answer??

My main concern is trying to make her comfortable. If it IS frostbite healing, I know there’s not much you can do other than wait. She does seem to be a bit uncomfortable - can’t tell if she’s in “pain”, but I’m assuming. There was some dried blood on her feathers this morning probably from touching them but no obvious sign of where the blood would have come from. This looks like a more progressed issue, not very recent. I just want to rehab her if I can, if only to ease any pain, but first need to figure out the issue. Sorry for the pic not being great - I’m going to try to get a better one today. Thanks for any help in advance!


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I'm just going to gander a guess that it's frostbite from over a month ago. It takes a long time to heal and/or for the dead parts to fall off.
I appreciate having the validation of what I assumed. Is this something that just needs to play out - if there is something I can do to ease the pain I’d do it. It may just be a “wait it out” thing. Just hate seeing her by herself in obvious discomfort😢. Wish someone could develop a painkilling ointment for chickens that doesn’t harm them - it’s 2024 FFS lol!!! HATE to see them in pain - she’s SUCH a sweetie and I hate that they give us SO much and ask for so little in return. I’m too Sensitive and emotional when it comes to these sweet hens❤️. Anyway, thanks again for your reply. I’ll just continue to give her love and extra little treats🥰
I'm just going to gander a guess that it's frostbite from over a month ago. It takes a long time to heal and/or for the dead parts to fall off.
You are spot on! We have -35 degree temps in Jan here in NW Montana. It only lasted a few days but it was a doozie. One of my birds got it pretty bad (due to a whole other story). Very good observation that it probably happened approx a month ago! We live and learn and each winter I learn more how to prevent these things. Too bad birds suffer due to our lack of knowledge. 😢 I do appreciate your help and reply❤️
I appreciate having the validation of what I assumed. Is this something that just needs to play out - if there is something I can do to ease the pain I’d do it. It may just be a “wait it out” thing. Just hate seeing her by herself in obvious discomfort😢. Wish someone could develop a painkilling ointment for chickens that doesn’t harm them - it’s 2024 FFS lol!!! HATE to see them in pain - she’s SUCH a sweetie and I hate that they give us SO much and ask for so little in return. I’m too Sensitive and emotional when it comes to these sweet hens❤️. Anyway, thanks again for your reply. I’ll just continue to give her love and extra little treats🥰
I live in Wisconsin so we get the sub-zero cold too, but I just won't let them out if it's 20F or colder. I've read up on frostbite though as I assumed it will happen sooner or later, although these are silkies with head poms and feathered feet. All I know is never put anything on it and let nature take its course.

This was one of the best sources of info and it's by a member here at BYC:
Ask your neighbor if she wants you to do anything.
That’s a sticky situation. She has a lot of animals and I hate to sound weird but she doesn’t “pay attention” to the level that I do to mine. Mine are strictly pets - I know this makes me sound SO snobby and it’s not like that. I just am a bit more attentive to the animals than she is…it’s definitely an “older” case of frostbite and has healed quite a bit. So it’s no real emergency. She’s probably aware of it and would be offended or feel judged if I asked about it. As my husband says, I should probably just mind my business. 😬
Just an update bevause I hate when people leave the discussion without posting the final resolution/outcome.

My neighbor mentioned this hen is her favorite, and named “Hazel” (I had been calling her “sweetie”)❤️

She said Hazel got “stuck” in the snow/ice ?? this past winter. We had our lowest temps at about -35 for a few days, so I imagine she didn’t get into the coop in time for bed and got stuck somehow - maybe after her feet getting wet??? Poor little thing❤️. This is why I do a headcount (bout I only have 14 to count, not 40)!!

Anyway, she confirmed it was frostbite, which I kind of assumed. Good to know she is my neighbors “special” bird and is being well taken care of, even though she prefers to live in the sheep barn, isolated from the other 39 hens. She seems happy and content where she is and I feel silly being overly worried about her. Kinda wish my neighbor had mentioned her condition/story before she left town so I wouldn’t have worried/wondered, but all is well. Thanks for the replies!

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