Need Suggestions On Auto-Humidity Control for Nurture Right 360


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
The North-Eastern Corner of Maryland
All Right, Folks. I give up. UNCLE! I am THROUGH nursing my Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 through erratic and hatch-crippling humidity swings! With everyone in the household on different work/school schedules, it was relatively easy to monitor and adjust the humidity as needed, but now that schedules are changing, I can't depend on that, any longer. I needs something more consistent so I dont keep losing egglets. The last two hatches were positively heart-breaking. Before I break down and totally replace the incubator, does anyone have suggestions for adding some sort of automatic humidity control?
I started using a strip of cellulose sponge in mine with one end hanging in the incubator through the vent hole and the other end in a bottle of water. It has helped even out the humidity swings. Still. I prefer to use my other incubator with automatic humidity because I just don’t have to monitor and fiddle with it at all.

I think I remember this thread having some more humidity advise too.

INKBIRD Pet Supplies Reptile Humidifier, 4 Liter Dry Burning-Resistant Fogger​


Inkbird IHC-200 110V Humidity Controller for Humidifier Dehumidifier​

got them at amazon and can transfer to any incubator you get in the future. I am finding this set up far superior to water tank be it heated or unheated

use R.O or distilled water

INKBIRD Pet Supplies Reptile Humidifier, 4 Liter Dry Burning-Resistant Fogger​


Inkbird IHC-200 110V Humidity Controller for Humidifier Dehumidifier​

got them at amazon and can transfer to any incubator you get in the future. I am finding this set up far superior to water tank be it heated or unheated

use R.O or distilled water
I'll look into it this weekend. Thanks!

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