Natural antibiotics for animals breathing.


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
I have a duckling that recently started having issues with breathing. Will be getting medicated food tomorrow. We don't know if something is in it's nostrils, since we recently switched to a deeper waterer when she got to big for the other, or if she developed respiratory issues. Incase she did develope those issues, I would like to know if there are any natural antibiotics (other then honey) that I can give her.
I had a bought of infectious bronchitis in my chickens. Red Pepper flakes did awesomely. I don't know if your duck will eat it though. Maybe make a tea and put it in the waterer?? Then again this is a duck who probably has a whole big thing of water already. Good luck. Natural remedies are hard to find here as people often get complained at for even trying.. You should have seen the bs when I said I use essential oil to clean the coop. :/
I had a bought of infectious bronchitis in my chickens. Red Pepper flakes did awesomely. I don't know if your duck will eat it though. Maybe make a tea and put it in the waterer?? Then again this is a duck who probably has a whole big thing of water already. Good luck. Natural remedies are hard to find here as people often get complained at for even trying.. You should have seen the bs when I said I use essential oil to clean the coop. :/
You do? Never heard of that before. I'm not even sure if she'll eat the oregano I put in for her either. Never tried natural. But we don't have proper medication for her yet so we need something. Even when we get it today, i'm still gonna put the natural stuff as a booster. She loved the honey covered food I gave her yesterday though.
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I have a duckling that recently started having issues with breathing. Will be getting medicated food tomorrow.
How old is she? Where did she come from? What is current feed including treats and supplements? Any snot, any sneezing, any coughing, Eating and drinking normal?

Please note.. in failure to thrive hatchlings... heavy breathing can be a symptom of organ failure and NOT respiratory infection.

Feed medicated with what.. In the US only medicated feed you can by over the counter is medicated at a LOW dose of amprolium which only helps with coccidia and won't do anything for respiratory issues.

Some respiratory things are viral and not bacterial... viral infections will NOT be helped with antibiotics which kill bacteria.. both good and bad. :hmm

Consider supporting immunity with Rooster Booster brand Poultry Cell product or Poultry nutri drench and/or offering something PRO biotic instead of antibiotic.

@Lilalienangel, Natural remedies aren't that hard to find, there are several threads on it... what's hard to find is any evidence SOME of them work. Of course big pharma has dumbed us down so as we don't have the clear understanding and even identification skills to determine what may be useful or harmful to which conditions, the way some of our ancestors or many native peoples might have. Also, there is a time and place for natural remedies (which SOME are effective).. just think our bodies create their own antibiotics and do this amazing thing called self healing! What's also important is remembering we have different environments and even genetics, immune systems, etc... what works for some may not work for others and that's kinda true across the board in life and especially speaking medicinally!

When testing IS possible to prove or disprove someones natural remedy claim... like DE working as a wormer for example.. many are unwilling to put their $ where their mouth is even just one time.

My friend SWEARS by her "thieves" and uses it all the time.. yet catches most the things that go around.. I don't use thieves.. and miss most of the things that go around.. despite being considered "high risk" due to having diabetes for over 20 years now...

Again.. my point being some things do work and other don't and we likely won't all have the same results... if someone tells me their using Vet RX to treat respiratory issues.. I'm gonna tell them they're wasting their $ on snake oil that won't do anything to help heal their bird... However... in SOME cases, they MIGHT feel SOME relief... which in theory feeling some relief might just be the boost your immune system needs to give that extra push for recovery... I still consider it snake oil with no relevant use and consider any recovery to be the individuals own immune system.

The longer point I'm trying to make here is.. please don't let someone else's misunderstanding, lack of knowledge, or even outright disagreement.. stop you from sharing information YOU consider as valid. Although I am fairly set in my ways and might even Pff at some ideas... I actually do have an open mind and always consider what's said even doing more research to see if a claim might hold any water.. I AM here to learn and consider that an ongoing adventure that never stops. I have had my mind changed on some things throughout time. The good news is those that are scoffing mostly have good intentions, trying to be protective to some degree of others in this wonderful community. Even if you don't become confrontational or defensive of your statement and choose to let it stand on it's own.. there will still be many who see it and some who will try and see if it works for them.. many are here looking for answers... and THIS sharing is HOW we WILL advance our collective knowledge. If it was me that poopood your statement or made you feel unwelcome to the community.. understand, I am not perfect either and sometimes have used BYC as an outlet... when needing something less important to gripe on that wouldn't cause more drama at home.. I'm LEARNING though to recognize when this is happening.. and TRY to just STEP away fro the keyboard, now. :oops: Actually I'm sure THAT one mentioned wasn't me.. but I KNOW my shortcomings.. and know I'm not the only one... In other words, please keep sharing! :hugs

I would not do red pepper flakes on a tea for ducks.. what if the blow it through their nostrils or eyes and it gets stuck or burns? Capsaicin receptors not being in the mouth (of chickens) is not the same as getting it stuck somewhere.. ALSO... even without capsaicin receptors... spicy things can burn right through your skin... just try chopping a good HOT pepper with bare hands... everything you touch for hours there after can be effected, don't rub an eye.. this is true of certain essential oils.. they can also cause major burns if not diluted appropriately. This is my current thought process and understanding in regards to this suggestion.

I do hope your duckling recovers quickly! :fl
It's just sneezing and wheezing/clicking when she breaths. Eats fine, poops fine, drinks fine, is active and over all happy. I look at her nostrils and one of them look more blocked. She is about 4 days old, hatched from one of our broodies but completely hand raised inside due to issues we had with the momma (momma was healthy so that wasn't the reason we hand raised) only thing she's had before other then her food is a single tiny worm. She hatched on time without help. I seriously hope we don't have to do the same thing as last year, that made my stomach do flips several times afterward.
Quacker's breathing has improved greatly. No longer hearing wheezing and clicking quite as much and haven't seen to many sneezes. We had bought a poultry boosting food and liquid and gave that to her alongside the oregano and a sprinkle of powdered ginger.

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