Name That Turtle!


10 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Grandview (SKC), MO
We picked up a new friend yesterday and need help naming him/her! I put up a contest on my homeschool blog if anyone would like a chance to win.


My daughter is going to pick the winner of the name and a small prize is available (see blog for details.)

Isn't he/she cute?!
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Show us a photo of the underparts of your turtle. If the belly is rather flat she's a she. If the belly is hollowed out she's a he. Anyway, I 'd call her/he Mystery because we don't know if its a he or she!
I miss my turtles. I so badly want some more someday.

Ours were Heidi ('cuz she was shy and hid in her shell), Riot, and Seabiscuit.

Yeah, we may be a little weird.

Beautiful turtle.

eta: my dd suggested Munchie or Captain Crunch
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I don't know what the law is in Missouri, but in Kansas you aren't supposed to take animals from their natural habitat. You can only keep turtles if they are born in captivity and to be honest I feel that any animal (or reptile) born in the wild deserves to stay in the wild. This time of the year turtles are mating and it's normal for one to wander into your yard, but that doesn't mean you should keep it. I really hope you let it go and maybe go to a pet store and get one

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