Mystery flock. Any guesses??


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Hi all. I picked up 8 mystery chicks a couple weeks ago and am dying to know their breeds/genders. One is obviously a white crested black polish, and one seems to be at least part silkie, but I have no ideas about the others. These pics are from last weekend, when they were about 3 weeks old. I know it's really too early to know, but if anyone feels like guessing breed and/or gender, I'd love to know what you think and why! Thanks!

The pile

Papaya, the biggest chick. Maybe a rooster?

Pineapple. The head feathers grow every day but are only right down the middle of her head, kind of like a mohawk

Mango. At least part silkie, I'm guessing. Lots of toes and fluff.


Lilikoi. She's big like Papaya but has much shorter legs and really pretty marked feathers.

Guava. Looks like a smaller version of Papaya but with a solid black beak.

Banana. Started out with all yellow fuzz, but her feathers are coming in a really pretty silvery color, almost blueish.

Kiwi. The smallest and least developed.
I'm a newbie at chicks, so wouldn't even try to guess, but what a bunch of cuties! I can't wait for someone who knows to guess, you will have to keep us updated as they grow
I'm very curious, too, as I can't seem to guess. Where did you get these chicks: hatchery, feed store, swap meet? Do you know if they're mixes or "pure" breeds? I just hatched my first batch of assorted rare breeds like polish, sultans, crevocours, fayoumis, etc., and I can't even figure out some of them.
Good to know they are stumping others too. They're from a Craigslist ad, someone with a bunch of chickens in her back yard. She said there were some mixes, and she thought a couple pure breds too, but we don't really know. It's fun to watch them change as they grow up! I'll update with more pics, as we are taking weekly "portraits" of all of them.

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